匹配列并删除 Shell 中的重复项

match column and delete the Duplicates in Shell


Failed,2021-12-14 05:47 EST,On-Demand Backup,abc,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System
Completed,2021-12-14 05:47 EST,On-Demand Backup,def,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System
Failed,2021-12-13 19:33 EST,Scheduled Backup,def,/clients/FORD_730PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System  
Failed,2021-12-14 00:09 EST,Scheduled Backup,abc,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System
Failed,2021-12-14 00:09 EST,Scheduled Backup,ghi,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System


Failed,2021-12-14 00:09 EST,Scheduled Backup,ghi,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System

我只想要那些永远不会成功并且没有针对它们的按需备份 运行 的客户端。


awk -F ',' '
   ~/Failed/  { fail[]=[=13=] }
  ~/Completed/ {delete fail[]}
  ~ /Demand/ {delete fail[]}
END {for (i in fail) print fail[i]}     
 ' test

您可以使用这个 awk 命令:

awk -F, 'NR==FNR {if (~/Failed/) fail[] = [=10=]; next}
 ~ /Completed/ ||  ~ /Demand/ {delete fail[]}
END {for (i in fail) print fail[i]}' file file

Failed,2021-12-14 00:09 EST,Scheduled Backup,ghi,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System

使用您显示的示例,请尝试执行以下 awk 程序。在 Input_file 的单次传递中。这将仅打印那些失败的值,并且根据显示的示例,它们的值永远不会有任何按需。

awk '
BEGIN         { FS=OFS=","  }
=="Failed"  { arr1[]=[=10=] }
~/On-Demand/{ arr2[]    }
  for(key in arr1){
    if(!(key in arr2)){
      print arr1[key]
' Input_file

说明: 为以上添加详细说明。

awk '                           ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN         { FS=OFS=","  }   ##Starting BEGIN section and setting FS and OFS to , here.
=="Failed"  { arr1[]=[=11=] }   ##Checking if 1st field is Failed then create arr1 with 4th field as an index and value of whole line.
~/On-Demand/{ arr2[]    }   ##Checking if 3rd field is On-Demand then create arr2 array with index of 4th field.
END{                            ##Starting END block of this program from here.
  for(key in arr1){             ##Traversing through arr1 here.
    if(!(key in arr2)){         ##Checking condition if key is NOT present in arr2 then do following.
      print arr1[key]           ##Printing arr1 value with index of key here.
' Input_file                    ##Mentioning Input_file here.

这是一个 ruby,它将处理多个条目(如果有的话)和 csv 怪癖,例如嵌入的逗号:

ruby -r csv -e '
BEGIN{hsh = Hash.new {|hash,key| hash[key] = []}
      data = Hash.new {|hash,key| hash[key] = []}
CSV.parse($<.read).each{ |r|    hsh[r[3]] << r[0]; hsh[r[3]] << r[2]
                                data[r[3]] << r.to_csv
END{hsh.each{|k,v| s=v.join("\t")
    puts data[k].join() if !s[/Completed|Demand/] }
}' file


Failed,2021-12-14 00:09 EST,Scheduled Backup,ghi,/clients/FORD_1130PM_EST_Windows2008,Windows File System