如何使用 IndependentScreens 获取监视器 x 上的工作区列表

How do I get list of workspaces on monitor x with IndependentScreens

我有 2 个不同尺寸的显示器,其中一个 是垂直放置的,我希望它们默认具有不同的布局

我正在使用 XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens 为每个监视器分配它自己的一组工作空间

我找到了一个可以满足我需要的库 XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace

据此,我定义了 2 个我将要使用的显示器布局:

     -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
     tiled   =  (Tall nmaster delta ratio) -- here, we can use `magicFocus`, but it creates several inconviniences

     -- The default number of windows in the master pane
     nmaster = 1

     -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
     ratio   = 2/3

     -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
     delta   = 3/100

verticalLayout = Mirror tiled ||| tabbed shrinkText myTabConfig ||| noBorders Full  ||| tiled
     -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
     tiled   =  (Tall nmaster delta ratio) -- here, we can use `magicFocus`, but it creates several inconviniences

     -- The default number of windows in the master pane
     nmaster = 1

     -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
     ratio   = 2/3

     -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
     delta   = 3/100

所以现在我尝试在布局挂钩上使用它们,以及 IndependentScreens 的 workspacesOn 函数

        layoutHook         = smartBorders . avoidStruts $
            onWorkspaces (workspacesOn 0) myLayout $
            onWorkspaces (workspacesOn 1) verticalLayout


xmonad.hs:447:27: error:
    • Variable not in scope: workspacesOn :: Integer -> [WorkspaceId]
    • Perhaps you meant one of these:
        ‘workspaces'’ (imported from XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens),
        ‘workspaces’ (imported from XMonad),
        ‘W.workspaces’ (imported from XMonad.StackSet)
447 |             onWorkspaces (workspacesOn 0) myLayout $
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^

xmonad.hs:448:27: error:
    • Variable not in scope: workspacesOn :: Integer -> [WorkspaceId]
    • Perhaps you meant one of these:
        ‘workspaces'’ (imported from XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens),
        ‘workspaces’ (imported from XMonad),
        ‘W.workspaces’ (imported from XMonad.StackSet)
448 |             onWorkspaces (workspacesOn 1) verticalLayout

现在我很困惑,因为那个函数在 documentation 中,而且我清楚地包含了对 IndependantStreens 的引用,它在错误消息中



workspaces = withScreens 2 ["a", "b", "c"]

您可以使用 marshall 获取特定屏幕上的工作区列表。屏幕 0 上的工作区是 map (marshall 0) ["a", "b", "c"],屏幕 1 上的工作区也类似。您可能应该将虚拟工作区列表分离到它自己的定义中。所以:

virtualWorkspaces = ["a", "b", "c"]

    ... (map (marshall 0) virtualWorkspaces) ...
    ... (map (marshall 1) virtualWorkspaces) ...

    workspaces = withScreens 2 virtualWorkspaces