在 ViewModel 外部实例化的 RoomDatabase 中 RoomDatabase.Callback() 的协程作用域?

Coroutine scope for a RoomDatabase.Callback() in a RoomDatabase instantiated outside the ViewModel?

我正在使用 Hilt 为 DI 重构我的应用程序,在我有一个 ViewModel 实例化 RoomDatabase 以获取 DAO 并将其传递到存储库之前。 .getDatabase 方法有一个 CoroutineScope 参数,用于在 .RoomDatabase.Callback() 中启动协程以异步填充数据库。

class MyViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
    init {
        val dao = MyDB.getDatabase(
            viewModelScope   //using viewModelScope inside the ViewModel
        repository = MyRepository(dao)

abstract class MyDB : RoomDatabase() {

    abstract fun myDAO(): MyDAO

    private class MyDatabaseCallback(private val scope: CoroutineScope) : RoomDatabase.Callback() {

现在使用 Hilt,数据库将在安装在 SingletonComponent 中的模块中实例化:

object DBModule {
    fun provideDao(@ApplicationContext applicationContext: Context) : MyDAO {
        return MyDB.getDatabase(
            scope         // What CoroutineScope to use here ???

    fun provideRepository(dao: MyDAO) = MyRepository(dao)

在这种情况下最好使用什么范围,因为无法再使用 viewModelScope?以及如何引用它?理想情况下是一个 ActivityRetained scoped one,因此它不会作用于整个应用程序,但它将在 Activity 重新启动(即配置更改等)




    // You will have to use hilt with viewModel as well in order to used below function further more I don't recomment to used that as
    // ViewModelScop strick inside viewModel. If It comes to database then It should not restrict to viewModel Infact database is a component which 
    // Provide service to each part of the application so use Simple Coroutine scope... 
    // Incase something goes wrong and your activity kills/destoryed then the opertaion get stoped because of viewModelScope
    fun provideCorountineScope(viewModel: MyViewModel): CoroutineScope {
        return viewModel.viewModelScope

    fun providesCoroutineScope(): CoroutineScope {
        // Run this code when providing an instance of CoroutineScope
        return CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO)

    fun provideDao(@ApplicationContext applicationContext: Context, scope: CoroutineScope) : MyDAO {
        return MyDB.getDatabase(