我应该为 Oracle JDBC 数据库更改通知使用哪个缓存提供程序

Which Cache provider should I use for Oracle JDBC Database change notifications


Invalidation 有 Ehcache、DynaCache 和 JCS 等选项。 在我开始了解和学习该库之前,我想知道我应该考虑哪个缓存提供程序。有什么建议吗?


JCS 旨在增强动态 Web 应用程序。 JCS 将可插入控制器用于缓存区域(或复合缓存)。区域分为Memory, Disk, Lateral, and Remote。关于故障转移,

JCS provides a framework with no point of failure, allowing for full session failover (in clustered environments), including session data across up to 256 servers JCS has a wick nested categorical removal, data expiration (idle time and max life) Extensible framework, fully configurable runtime parameters, and remote synchronization, remote store recovery, Non-blocking "zombie" (balking facade) pattern


Is a java distributed cache for general purpose caching, J2EE and light-weight containers tuned for large size cache objects. It features memory and disk stores, replicate by copy and invalidate, listeners, a gzip caching servlet filter, Fast, Simple.One of its features is to cache domain objects that map to database entities. As the domain objects that maps to database entities is the core of any ORM system that’s why Ehcache is the default cache for HibernateWith Ehcache you can serialize both Serializable objects and Non-serializable.
