使用 python 在内存中(即时)创建包含大量小文件的大型 zip 存档

create big zip archives with lot of small files in memory (on the fly) with python


  1. 从 S3 存储中一个一个地读取多个文件
  2. 将文件添加到 big_archive.zip
  3. 存储 big_archive.zip 在 S3 存储


当我们将新文件附加到 zip 存档时,zip 库会更改当前存档(更新元信息),然后添加文件内容(字节)。 因为存档很大,我们需要将它按块存储到 S3 存储中。但!已经存储的块无法重写。因此我们无法更新元信息。


from io import BytesIO
import zipfile, sys, gc

files = (
    'input/i_1.docx',  # one file size is about ~500KB

# this function allow to get size of in-memory object
# thanks to
# https://towardsdatascience.com/the-strange-size-of-python-objects-in-memory-ce87bdfbb97f
def _get_size(input_obj):
    memory_size = 0
    ids = set()
    objects = [input_obj]
    while objects:
        new = []
        for obj in objects:
            if id(obj) not in ids:
                memory_size += sys.getsizeof(obj)
        objects = gc.get_referents(*new)
    return memory_size

# open in-memory object
with BytesIO() as zip_obj_in_memory:
    # open zip archive on disk
    with open('tmp.zip', 'wb') as resulted_file:
        # set chunk size to 1MB
        chunk_max_size = 1048576  # 1MB
        # iterate over files
        for f in files:
            # get size of in-memory object
            current_size = _get_size(zip_obj_in_memory)
            # if size of in-memory object is bigger than 1MB
            # we need to drop it to S3 storage
            if current_size > chunk_max_size:
                # write file on disk (that is no matter what storge is: S3 or disk)
                # remove current in-memory data
                # zip_obj_in_memory size is 0MB after truncate so we able to adding new files

            # main process open ip_obj_in_memory object in append mode and append new files
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_obj_in_memory, 'a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
                # read file and write it to archive
                with open(f, 'rb') as o:
                        zinfo_or_arcname=f.replace('input/', 'output/'),
        # write last chunk of data


unzip -l tmp.zip
Archive:  tmp.zip
warning [tmp.zip]:  6987483 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   583340  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_13.docx
   583335  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_14.docx
---------                     -------
  1166675                     2 files

我们可以看到只显示了最后 1MB 块


zip -FF tmp.zip --out fixed.zip
Fix archive (-FF) - salvage what can
 Found end record (EOCDR) - says expect single disk archive
Scanning for entries...
 copying: output/i_1.docx  (582169 bytes)
 copying: output/i_2.docx  (582152 bytes)
Central Directory found...
EOCDR found ( 1 1164533)...
 copying: output/i_3.docx  (582175 bytes)
Entry after central directory found ( 1 1164555)...
 copying: output/i_4.docx  (582175 bytes)
Central Directory found...
EOCDR found ( 1 2329117)...
 copying: output/i_5.docx  (582176 bytes)
Entry after central directory found ( 1 2329139)...
 copying: output/i_6.docx  (582180 bytes)
Central Directory found...
EOCDR found ( 1 3493707)...
 copying: output/i_7.docx  (582170 bytes)
Entry after central directory found ( 1 3493729)...
 copying: output/i_8.docx  (582174 bytes)
Central Directory found...


unzip -l fixed.zip
Archive:  fixed.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   583344  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_1.docx
   583337  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_2.docx
   583346  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_3.docx
   583352  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_4.docx
   583361  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_5.docx
   583368  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_6.docx
   583356  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_7.docx
   583362  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_8.docx
   583337  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_9.docx
   583352  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_10.docx
   583363  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_11.docx
   583368  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_12.docx
   583340  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_13.docx
   583335  12-15-2021 18:43   output/i_14.docx
---------                     -------
  8166921                     14 files



需要的元信息存储在Central directory (CD)

所以我们需要在每个文件追加时删除 Central directory 信息(在将文件存储到磁盘(或 S3)之前),最后手动添加关于所有文件的正确信息。


至少这里有任何方法可以在人类可读的二进制模式下区分 tmp.zip 和 fixed.zip,以便能够检查 CD 的存储位置和格式。
也欢迎任何可以帮助解决此问题的 ZIP 的确切参考。

好的,我终于创建了那个 zip 的科学怪人:

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
import sys
import gc

files = (
    'input/i_1.docx',  # one file size is about ~580KB

# this function allow to get size of in-memory object
# add only for debug purposes
def _get_size(input_obj):
    memory_size = 0
    ids = set()
    objects = [input_obj]
    while objects:
        new = []
        for obj in objects:
            if id(obj) not in ids:
                memory_size += sys.getsizeof(obj)
        objects = gc.get_referents(*new)
    return memory_size

class CustomizedZipFile(ZipFile):

    # add customized BytesIO to be able return faked offset
    class _CustomizedBytesIO(BytesIO):

        def __init__(self, fake_offset: int):
            self.fake_offset = fake_offset
            self.temporary_switch_to_faked_offset = False

        def tell(self):
            if self.temporary_switch_to_faked_offset:
                # revert tell method to normal mode to minimize faked behaviour
                self.temporary_switch_to_faked_offset = False
                return super().tell() + self.fake_offset
                return super().tell()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # create empty file to write if fake offset is set
        if 'fake_offset' in kwargs and kwargs['fake_offset'] is not None and kwargs['fake_offset'] > 0:
            self._fake_offset = kwargs['fake_offset']
            del kwargs['fake_offset']
            if 'file' in kwargs:
                kwargs['file'] = self._CustomizedBytesIO(self._fake_offset)
                args = list(args)
                args[0] = self._CustomizedBytesIO(self._fake_offset)
            self._fake_offset = 0
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    # finalize zip (should be run only on last chunk)
    def force_write_end_record(self):

    # don't write end record by default to be able get not ended chunks
    # ZipFile writing end metainfo on close by default
    def _write_end_record(self, skip_write_end=True):
        if not skip_write_end:
            if self._fake_offset > 0:
                self.start_dir = self._fake_offset
                self.fp.temporary_switch_to_faked_offset = True

def archive(files):

    compression_type = ZIP_DEFLATED
    CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576  # 1MB

    with open('tmp.zip', 'wb') as resulted_file:
        offset = 0
        filelist = []
        with BytesIO() as chunk:
            for f in files:
                with BytesIO() as tmp:
                    with CustomizedZipFile(tmp, 'w', compression=compression_type) as zf:
                        with open(f, 'rb') as b:
                                zinfo_or_arcname=f.replace('input/', 'output/'),
                        zf.filelist[0].header_offset = offset
                        data = tmp.getvalue()
                        offset = offset + len(data)
                print('size of zipfile:', _get_size(zf))
                print('size of chunk:', _get_size(chunk))
                if len(chunk.getvalue()) > CHUNK_SIZE:
            # write last chunk
        # file parameter may be skipped it we using fake_offset
        # because empty _CustomizedBytesIO will be initialized at constructor
        with CustomizedZipFile(None, 'w', compression=compression_type, fake_offset=offset) as zf:
            zf.filelist = filelist
            end_data = zf.fp.getvalue()



size of zipfile: 2182955
size of chunk: 582336
size of zipfile: 2182979
size of chunk: 1164533
size of zipfile: 2182983
size of chunk: 582342
size of zipfile: 2182979
size of chunk: 1164562
size of zipfile: 2182983
size of chunk: 582343
size of zipfile: 2182979
size of chunk: 1164568
size of zipfile: 2182983
size of chunk: 582337
size of zipfile: 2182983
size of chunk: 1164556
size of zipfile: 2182983
size of chunk: 582329
size of zipfile: 2182984
size of chunk: 1164543
size of zipfile: 2182984
size of chunk: 582355
size of zipfile: 2182984
size of chunk: 1164586
size of zipfile: 2182984
size of chunk: 582338
size of zipfile: 2182984
size of chunk: 1164545
size of zipfile: 2182980
size of chunk: 582320

所以我们可以看到块总是转储到存储中并在达到最大块大小(在我的例子中为 1MB)时被截断

使用 MacOS The Unarchiver v4.2.4 和 Windows 10 默认 unarchiver 和 7-zip



块存档创建的大小比普通 zipfile 库创建的存档大 16 个字节。可能在某处写入了一些额外的 zero 字节。我没有检查为什么会这样

zipfile 是我见过的最差的 python 库。看起来它应该用作不可扩展的类二进制文件