打字稿:环境变量类型保护作为 JSON 对象的键

Typescript: Type Guard for environment variable as key of JSON object

我正在尝试编写一个 Type Guard,这样 TypeScript 就不会再在我尝试基于某个键加载数据的最后一行抛出错误。不知何故,TypeScript 仍然认为环境变量是 string 而不是对象的已知键。因为它现在抛出:No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type....

我是否遗漏了环境变量仍然可以 undefined 作为键的一些边缘情况?

import JsonData from '../data/data.json'

const doesKeyExist: (
  input: string | undefined
) => boolean = (input) =>
  input && JsonData.hasOwnProperty(input)

if (!doesKeyExist(process.env.SOME_VARIABLE))
  throw Error('Environment Variable not declared!')

const data = JsonData[process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TENANT_ID]


import JsonData from '../data/data.json'

function doesKeyExist(
  input: string | undefined
): input is keyof typeof CategoriesData {
  return !!(input && CategoriesData.hasOwnProperty(input))

if (!doesKeyExist(process.env.SOME_VARIABLE))
  throw Error('Environment Variable not declared, or key does not exist in config file!')

const data = JsonData[process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TENANT_ID]