Lambda 函数中的过滤条件

Filter Criteria in Lambda Function

我想使用我能够做到的 AWS CDK 在我的 lambda 上启用 DynamoDB 流,但我还想在 lambda

上启用 filter criteria


Invalid filter pattern definition. (Service: AWSLambda; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException

这是我从 DynamoDB 流中获取的事件:

    "input": {
        "Records": [
                "eventID": "e92e0072a661a06df0e62e411f",
                "eventName": "INSERT",
                "eventVersion": "1.1",
                "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",
                "awsRegion": "<region>",
                "dynamodb": {
                    "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1639500357,
                    "Keys": {
                        "service": {
                            "S": "service"
                        "key": {
                            "S": "key"
                    "NewImage": {
                        "service": {
                            "S": "service"
                        "channel": {
                            "S": "email"
                        "key": {
                            "S": "key"
                    "SequenceNumber": "711500000000015864417",
                    "SizeBytes": 168,
                    "StreamViewType": "NEW_IMAGE"
                "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:<region>:<account>:table/table-name/stream/2021-12-14T13:00:29.888"
    "env": {
        "lambdaContext": {
            "callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop": true,
            "functionVersion": "$LATEST",
            "functionName": "functionName",
            "memoryLimitInMB": "128",
            "logGroupName": "/aws/lambda/functionName",
            "logStreamName": "2021/12/14/[$LATEST]028531c7b489b8ec69bace700acc0",
            "invokedFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account>:function:functionName",
            "awsRequestId": "c72e80252-4722-b9f0-a03b7f8b820e"
        "region": "<region-name>"


const mapping = new lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping(this, 'event', {
  functionName: "functionName,
  batchSize: 1,
  bisectBatchOnFunctionError: true,
  startingPosition: lambda.StartingPosition.TRIM_HORIZON,
  eventSourceArn: <stream-arn>,
  filterCriteria: filter,

我想让 eventName 为 INSERT,频道为 email。过滤条件的值应该是多少?它对我不起作用

这是 DynamoDB 流过滤器 Pattern 语法,用于 channelemail 的新记录:

`{ \"eventName\": [\"INSERT\"], \"dynamodb\": { \"NewImage\": {\"channel\": { \"S\" : [\"email\"]}} } }`

换句话说,Pattern 是带有转义引号的字符串化 JSON filter rule。该模式应用于每个流记录。

这是完整的 CDK 语法。代码以通常的 L2 EventSourceMapping 开头。然后它使用 escape hatch syntax to set FilterCriteria on the underlying L1 CfnEventSourceMapping:

// start with the L2 type - Note: the OP code starts with a L1 `CfnEventSourceMapping`
const source: EventSourceMapping = new lambda.EventSourceMapping(this, 'EventSourceMapping', {
  target: func,
  eventSourceArn: table.tableStreamArn,
  startingPosition: lambda.StartingPosition.TRIM_HORIZON,

// escape hatch - get a L1 reference
const cfnSouce = source.node.defaultChild as lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping;

cfnSouce.addPropertyOverride('FilterCriteria', {
  Filters: [
      Pattern: `{ \"eventName\": [\"INSERT\"], \"dynamodb\": { \"NewImage\": {\"channel\": { \"S\" : [\"email\"]}} } }`,