Microsoft Access DBEngine.OpenDatabase() 中断网络路径 - 错误 3050

Microsoft Access DBEngine.OpenDatabase() breaks for Network-Paths - Error 3050

多年来,我们有一个包含前端和后端数据库的 Access 数据库解决方案 运行。


        Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(strDatabasePath, False, True, "MS Access;PWD=" & strPassword)

是否会导致错误 3050 - 无法锁定文件。仅当后端数据库在网络共享上时(如果它在本地驱动器上,一切都按预期工作)。


错误是由错误的 Office 补丁引入的(似乎是 V2111 - 14701.20240)

在这个 post 的第一个版本中,我认为 Windows-更新 KB5008212 导致了问题。

感谢@Gustav 找出问题所在。

我们如何确定何时 MS 愿意解决问题?


This is due to today’s (Patch Tuesday) update to Office. The problem was introduced by a security fix, so it impacts all active versions of Access. We are working on a fix, and will deliver it as quickly as possible.

The update has only been set to automatically update a very small percentage of users, and it looks like we will be able to pause automatic updates, so it will not propagate.

There will be a page added to the

Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Access (,

which will then be the place to go for updates.

These are the updates that introduced the problem:

KB 5002104 for Office 2013
KB 5002099 for Office 2016
Office 2019 Version 1808, build 10381.20020
Office LTSC 2021 Version 2108, build 14332.20204
Microsoft 365 Apps:
    Current Channel Version 2111, build 14701.20248
    Monthly Enterprise Channel Version 2110, build 14527.20340
    Monthly Enterprise Channel Version 2109, build 14430.20380
    Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview) Version 2108, build 14326.20692
    Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version 2102, build 13801.21086
    Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version 2008, build 13127.21842

If you did get updated to one of those builds, the only solution currently is to move back to an earlier build in the channel.


从 OfficeWeb-Portal 卸载 Office 365(32 位)并重新安装 Office 365(32 位)似乎可以解决问题。

我们的表现方式不同。我似乎得到了很多孤立的锁文件。用户在进入数据库时​​遇到一些问题,但通常如果我删除锁定文件并让他们等待 5 分钟,问题就会消失。自此开始以来,它一直是 运行 每日备份到单独文件的游戏,以防万一。你知道什么的主要痛苦。我会留意这里出现的情况。谢谢大家(是的,这更像是评论而不是答案,但我需要更多字符)

安装2008版,其实我已经解决了这个问题。 Microsoft 昨天(2022 年 1 月 11 日)刚刚发布了版本 2108 和 2112 的新版本,这也为我解决了同样的问题。