如何在 python 中栅格化一批多边形
How to rasterize a batch of polygons in python
我有一批多边形,它们可以是 NumPy 数组、torch 张量或任何其他形状为 [230_000,3,2] 的 nd 数组。 230_000是多边形的个数,3表示是三角形,2是它的x和y坐标。
算法规则不多。最重要的是填充的多边形在 nd 数组上栅格化并且速度很快。批量大小将是数十万个多边形。 for 循环将无济于事。
如果您打算使用 python 创建光栅,我会查看 Rasterio。如果您的主要目标是使用 Python 创建上述可视化效果,则更简单的方法是使用 shapely 和 matplotlib。您似乎也可能遗漏了一块——您还需要一个生成形状的函数。你提到:
230_000 is the number of polygons, 3 indicates it's a triangle, 2 is its x and y coordinates
- 迭代你的数组(没有办法绕过它)
- 定义一个函数,它接受一个单独的数组和 returns 来自提供的输入的形状多边形 https://autogis-site.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/L1/geometric-objects.html
- 转换为 geopandas 数据框 https://geopandas.org/en/stable/docs/reference/geodataframe.html
- 将 GeoDataFrame 转换为 GeoJSON https://geopandas.org/en/stable/docs/reference/api/geopandas.GeoDataFrame.to_json.html
- 将 geojson 传递给 rasterio https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.html
我确实最终想出了一种在 pytorch 中完成它的方法。速度不快,但有效。
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import cv2
class TriRasterizer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,shape=(480,640),channels:int=3,_trainable=False):
super(TriRasterizer, self).__init__()
assert len(shape) == 2
self._shape = shape
self._backdrop = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*shape,channels,dtype=torch.float),requires_grad=_trainable)
# Feel free to mess around with the quality
self.quality = 0.1
def _fill(poly,area,_type:torch.dtype=torch.float32):
The main part
The algorithm takes the tensor points, repeats interleave them by their area
Then for each tiangles in the batch:
there should be the-area more triangles exactly the same
the goal is for each of those extra triangles,
interpolate each of those points such that: each points fills up the traingle
# calculate center of the base
base_p = (poly[:,0] + poly[:,1])/2
a_diff = (poly[:,2]-base_p) . detach()
# then height
heights = torch.sqrt_(torch.square_(a_diff[...,0]) + torch.square_(a_diff[...,1]))
# comulative sum of the areas
# This gives positional embeding for each points when subtracted from torch.arange
cum = torch.cumsum(area,dim=0).int()
poly = poly.type(_type)
heights = heights.type(torch.int16)
poly = poly.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
cum_ = cum.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
heights = heights.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
# normalized makes the first point = 0 and last = 1 for the repeated points
normalized = 1-(cum_-torch.arange(len(cum_)))/cum_
# this is the exponential, it reduces pixels as it gets closer to the tip of the triangle
exp = 1-torch.sqrt_(1-normalized)
exp = exp.type(torch.float32)
# This iterpolates more of the x as it gets to the tip of the triangle
ij__interp = (exp % (torch.tensor(1,dtype=torch.float16)/heights))[...,None]
# * heights[...,None] just brings the exponentials max back to 1
# the random normal washes the points and makes it appear blurry
ij_interp = ij__interp*heights[...,None] #+ torch.randn_like(ij__interp)/70
# this makes the makes the c interpolation exponentialy faster
k_interp = (exp[...,None] - ij__interp) #+ torch.randn_like(ij__interp)/70
# Finally interpolate them
# weigh a and b first with respect to the calculated exponential
ij_trunc = poly[:,0] * (1-ij_interp) + poly[:,1]*ij_interp
# then weigh the output with c with respect to the modulus of the exponential
filled = poly[:,2] * k_interp + ij_trunc * (1-k_interp)
return filled
def _compute_area(self,poly):
# Formula to find area from a set of points
area = torch.abs(0.5 * ((poly[..., 0, 0] * (poly[..., 1, 1] - poly[..., 2, 1])) +
(poly[...,1,0]*(poly[...,2,1]-poly[...,0,1])) +
return area
def forward(self,traingles,features):
return self.rasterize(traingles,features)
def rasterize(self,traingles,features):
raster = self._backdrop.clone()
# first find the area
# the lower the quality the more spaces in between pixels
area = (self._compute_area(traingles)*self.quality).int()
# fill in points based on computed area
filled_cords = self._fill(traingles,area,_type=torch.int16)
filled_cords = filled_cords.long()
# clamp the points to prevent out of bounds exception
filled_cords[...,0] = filled_cords[...,0].clamp(min=0,max=self._shape[1]-1)
filled_cords[...,1] = filled_cords[...,1].clamp(min=0,max=self._shape[0]-1)
# also fill in features based on computed area
filled_feats = self._fill(features,area,_type=torch.float32)
pixels = (filled_cords[...,1],filled_cords[...,0])
# compute the times the same point has been placed on the raster
sum_ = torch.zeros_like(raster).index_put(pixels,torch.ones_like(filled_feats),accumulate=True)
# rasterize them using indexing
raster = raster.index_put(pixels,filled_feats,accumulate=False)
# average those sums
raster = raster/sum_
return raster
if __name__ == '__main__':
tiangles = torch.tensor([
[[100, 0], [0, 200], [20, 300]]
], dtype=torch.float) + 100
tiangles = tiangles.expand(3,-1,-1).clone()
features = torch.randn(*tiangles.shape[:-1], 3)
rasterizer = TriRasterizer()
j = torch.zeros(*tiangles.shape)
while True:
features = features*0.01 + torch.randn(*tiangles.shape[:-1], 3)*0.09
j += torch.randn(*tiangles.shape)*0.1
tiangles += j
raster = rasterizer(tiangles,features+1)
我还发现了其他方法,例如绑定 C++ 或 PyOpengl
我有一批多边形,它们可以是 NumPy 数组、torch 张量或任何其他形状为 [230_000,3,2] 的 nd 数组。 230_000是多边形的个数,3表示是三角形,2是它的x和y坐标。
算法规则不多。最重要的是填充的多边形在 nd 数组上栅格化并且速度很快。批量大小将是数十万个多边形。 for 循环将无济于事。
如果您打算使用 python 创建光栅,我会查看 Rasterio。如果您的主要目标是使用 Python 创建上述可视化效果,则更简单的方法是使用 shapely 和 matplotlib。您似乎也可能遗漏了一块——您还需要一个生成形状的函数。你提到:
230_000 is the number of polygons, 3 indicates it's a triangle, 2 is its x and y coordinates
- 迭代你的数组(没有办法绕过它)
- 定义一个函数,它接受一个单独的数组和 returns 来自提供的输入的形状多边形 https://autogis-site.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/L1/geometric-objects.html 从那里我会:
- 转换为 geopandas 数据框 https://geopandas.org/en/stable/docs/reference/geodataframe.html
- 将 GeoDataFrame 转换为 GeoJSON https://geopandas.org/en/stable/docs/reference/api/geopandas.GeoDataFrame.to_json.html
- 将 geojson 传递给 rasterio https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.html
我确实最终想出了一种在 pytorch 中完成它的方法。速度不快,但有效。
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import cv2
class TriRasterizer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,shape=(480,640),channels:int=3,_trainable=False):
super(TriRasterizer, self).__init__()
assert len(shape) == 2
self._shape = shape
self._backdrop = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*shape,channels,dtype=torch.float),requires_grad=_trainable)
# Feel free to mess around with the quality
self.quality = 0.1
def _fill(poly,area,_type:torch.dtype=torch.float32):
The main part
The algorithm takes the tensor points, repeats interleave them by their area
Then for each tiangles in the batch:
there should be the-area more triangles exactly the same
the goal is for each of those extra triangles,
interpolate each of those points such that: each points fills up the traingle
# calculate center of the base
base_p = (poly[:,0] + poly[:,1])/2
a_diff = (poly[:,2]-base_p) . detach()
# then height
heights = torch.sqrt_(torch.square_(a_diff[...,0]) + torch.square_(a_diff[...,1]))
# comulative sum of the areas
# This gives positional embeding for each points when subtracted from torch.arange
cum = torch.cumsum(area,dim=0).int()
poly = poly.type(_type)
heights = heights.type(torch.int16)
poly = poly.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
cum_ = cum.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
heights = heights.repeat_interleave(area,dim=0)
# normalized makes the first point = 0 and last = 1 for the repeated points
normalized = 1-(cum_-torch.arange(len(cum_)))/cum_
# this is the exponential, it reduces pixels as it gets closer to the tip of the triangle
exp = 1-torch.sqrt_(1-normalized)
exp = exp.type(torch.float32)
# This iterpolates more of the x as it gets to the tip of the triangle
ij__interp = (exp % (torch.tensor(1,dtype=torch.float16)/heights))[...,None]
# * heights[...,None] just brings the exponentials max back to 1
# the random normal washes the points and makes it appear blurry
ij_interp = ij__interp*heights[...,None] #+ torch.randn_like(ij__interp)/70
# this makes the makes the c interpolation exponentialy faster
k_interp = (exp[...,None] - ij__interp) #+ torch.randn_like(ij__interp)/70
# Finally interpolate them
# weigh a and b first with respect to the calculated exponential
ij_trunc = poly[:,0] * (1-ij_interp) + poly[:,1]*ij_interp
# then weigh the output with c with respect to the modulus of the exponential
filled = poly[:,2] * k_interp + ij_trunc * (1-k_interp)
return filled
def _compute_area(self,poly):
# Formula to find area from a set of points
area = torch.abs(0.5 * ((poly[..., 0, 0] * (poly[..., 1, 1] - poly[..., 2, 1])) +
(poly[...,1,0]*(poly[...,2,1]-poly[...,0,1])) +
return area
def forward(self,traingles,features):
return self.rasterize(traingles,features)
def rasterize(self,traingles,features):
raster = self._backdrop.clone()
# first find the area
# the lower the quality the more spaces in between pixels
area = (self._compute_area(traingles)*self.quality).int()
# fill in points based on computed area
filled_cords = self._fill(traingles,area,_type=torch.int16)
filled_cords = filled_cords.long()
# clamp the points to prevent out of bounds exception
filled_cords[...,0] = filled_cords[...,0].clamp(min=0,max=self._shape[1]-1)
filled_cords[...,1] = filled_cords[...,1].clamp(min=0,max=self._shape[0]-1)
# also fill in features based on computed area
filled_feats = self._fill(features,area,_type=torch.float32)
pixels = (filled_cords[...,1],filled_cords[...,0])
# compute the times the same point has been placed on the raster
sum_ = torch.zeros_like(raster).index_put(pixels,torch.ones_like(filled_feats),accumulate=True)
# rasterize them using indexing
raster = raster.index_put(pixels,filled_feats,accumulate=False)
# average those sums
raster = raster/sum_
return raster
if __name__ == '__main__':
tiangles = torch.tensor([
[[100, 0], [0, 200], [20, 300]]
], dtype=torch.float) + 100
tiangles = tiangles.expand(3,-1,-1).clone()
features = torch.randn(*tiangles.shape[:-1], 3)
rasterizer = TriRasterizer()
j = torch.zeros(*tiangles.shape)
while True:
features = features*0.01 + torch.randn(*tiangles.shape[:-1], 3)*0.09
j += torch.randn(*tiangles.shape)*0.1
tiangles += j
raster = rasterizer(tiangles,features+1)
我还发现了其他方法,例如绑定 C++ 或 PyOpengl