从 F# 引用转换为 Linq 表达式时出现 InvalidOperationException

InvalidOperationException on conversion from F# quotation to Linq Expression

我正在尝试替换 F# Expr 中的类型,然后将其转换为 Expression 以供 c# 库使用。 但是在调用 LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression 时我收到错误

InvalidOperationException: The variable 't' was not found in the translation context



<@ fun (t: Record) -> t.A = 10 @>

<@ fun (t: Dict) -> t["A"] = 10 @>


type Record = {
    A: int
type Dict () = //this is the type the c# lib wants (a dictionary representation of a type)
    inherit Dictionary<string, obj>()

let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) = 
    let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v.Type = typeof<'a> then Var(v.Name, typeof<Dict>) else v
    let tEntityItem = typeof<Dict>.GetProperty("Item")
    let isATypeShapeVar = function | ShapeVar var -> var.Type = typeof<'a> | _ -> false
    let rec substituteExpr = 
        | PropertyGet(exOpt, propOrValInfo, c) -> 
            match exOpt with
                | None -> Expr.PropertyGet(propOrValInfo)
                | Some ex -> 
                    let args = c |> List.map substituteExpr
                    let newex = substituteExpr ex
                    match isATypeShapeVar ex with
                    | true -> 
                        let getter = Expr.PropertyGet(newex, tEntityItem, [Expr.Value(propOrValInfo.Name)] )
                        Expr.Coerce(getter, propOrValInfo.PropertyType)
                    | false -> Expr.PropertyGet(newex, propOrValInfo, args)
        | ShapeVar var -> Expr.Var (var |> replaceVar)
        | ShapeLambda (var, expr) -> Expr.Lambda(var |> replaceVar, substituteExpr expr)
        | ShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, exprList) ->
            RebuildShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, List.map substituteExpr exprList) 
        substituteExpr ex |> LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression

substitute<Record> (<@ fun t -> t.A = 10 @>)


替换 F# Expr.ToString() 结果是

Lambda (t, Call (None, op_Equality, [Coerce (PropertyGet (Some (t), Item, [Value ("A")]), Int32), Value (10)]))

这看起来是正确的。除了强制转换,相当于 <@ fun (t: Dict) -> t["A"] = 10 @>.ToString()

为什么 QuotationToExpression 失败了?

每次调用 replaceVar 时,您 return 都是 Var 的不同实例。因此,当您替换 lambda 参数时,它是 Var 的一个实例,稍后,当您替换 newex 时,它是 Var.

Lambda (t, Call (None, op_Equality, [Coerce (PropertyGet (Some (t), ... ))
        ^                                                       ^
        |                                                       |
        These are different `t`, unrelated, despite the same name

要做到这一点,您必须使它保持原样 t。最愚蠢、最直接的方法是:

let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) =
    let newArg = Var("arg", typeof<Dict>)
    let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v.Type = typeof<'a> then newArg else v

这将使您的特定示例按预期工作,但它仍然不可靠,因为您不仅要替换特定的 lambda 参数,而且要替换相同类型的 any 变量.这意味着如果表达式恰好包含与参数类型相同的任何变量,您仍然会遇到同样的问题。例如,尝试转换为:

<@ fun t -> let z = { A = 15 } in z.A = 15 && t.A = 10 @>

你会得到类似的错误,但这次抱怨变量 z


另一种方法是专门找出 lambda 参数,然后只替换它,而不是比较变量类型。

但是还有下一层的怪异:您正在将任何 属性 访问器转换为索引器访问器,但在我上面的示例中,不应该这样转换 z.A 。所以你必须以某种方式识别 属性 访问的对象是否实际上是参数,这可能不是那么微不足道。

如果您愿意满足 t.A 的情况,而在 (if true then t else t).A 等更复杂的情况下失败,那么您可以只匹配 lambda 参数并传递任何其他表达式:

let substitute<'a> (ex: Expr<'a->bool>) =
    let arg = 
          match ex with 
          | ShapeLambda (v, _) -> v
          | _ -> failwith "This is not a lambda. Shouldn't happen."

    let newArg = Var("arg", typeof<Dict>)
    let replaceVar (v: Var) = if v = arg then newArg else v

    let tEntityItem = typeof<Dict>.GetProperty("Item")
    let isATypeShapeVar = function | ShapeVar var -> var.Type = typeof<'a> | _ -> false
    let rec substituteExpr =
        | PropertyGet(Some (ShapeVar a), propOrValInfo, c) when a = arg ->
            let getter = Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var newArg, tEntityItem, [Expr.Value(propOrValInfo.Name)] )
            Expr.Coerce(getter, propOrValInfo.PropertyType)
        | ShapeVar var -> Expr.Var (var |> replaceVar)
        | ShapeLambda (var, expr) -> Expr.Lambda(var |> replaceVar, substituteExpr expr)
        | ShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, exprList) ->
            RebuildShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, List.map substituteExpr exprList)
        | ex -> ex

    substituteExpr ex |> LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression

> substituteExpr <@ fun t -> let z = { A = 15 } in z.A = 15 && t.A = 10 @>

val it: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression =
  ToFSharpFunc(arg => z => ((z.A == 15) AndAlso (Convert(arg.get_Item("A"), Int32) == 10)).Invoke(new Record(15)))