Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager' not found
Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager' not found
我正在关注 phpacademy 的新身份验证教程 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF2WkRCZfBg
我有一个 class 文件 database.php:
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
$capsule = new Capsule;
'driver' => $app->config->get('db.driver'),
'host' => $app->config->get('db.host'),
'database' => $app->config->get('db.name'),
'username' => $app->config->get('db.username'),
'password' => $app->config->get('db.password'),
'charset' => $app->config->get('db.charset'),
'collation' => $app->config->get('db.collation'),
'prefix' => $app->config->get('db.prefix')
致命错误:Class 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager' 未在第 4 行 \xampp\htdocs\boilerplate\app\database.php 中找到 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager'
我在 start.php
require 'database.php';
//############ NAMESPACING ################//
use Slim\Slim; //import slim
use Noodlehaus\Config;
use Boilerplate\User\User;
ini_set('display_errors','on'); //TURN OFF ON LIVE SITE
define('INC_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__)); //create local root
require INC_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // autoload in all the dependencies in the vendor files.
$app = new Slim([
'mode' => file_get_contents(INC_ROOT . '/mode.php')
]); //assign the entire app file to a variable
$app->configureMode($app->config('mode'), function() use ($app){
$app->config = Config::load(INC_ROOT . "/app/config/{$app->mode}.php"); //pull in the config file
$app->container->set('user', function(){
return new User;
确保您已将 Illuminate\Database
添加到您的作曲文件中,并且 运行 composer update
然后在添加自动加载器后放置 require 'database.php';
require INC_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Below here
composer install
如果您正在使用 docker,请确保您在 运行 安装命令之前位于容器内。
docker-compose run <app_name> bash
我正在关注 phpacademy 的新身份验证教程 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF2WkRCZfBg
我有一个 class 文件 database.php:
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
$capsule = new Capsule;
'driver' => $app->config->get('db.driver'),
'host' => $app->config->get('db.host'),
'database' => $app->config->get('db.name'),
'username' => $app->config->get('db.username'),
'password' => $app->config->get('db.password'),
'charset' => $app->config->get('db.charset'),
'collation' => $app->config->get('db.collation'),
'prefix' => $app->config->get('db.prefix')
致命错误:Class 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager' 未在第 4 行 \xampp\htdocs\boilerplate\app\database.php 中找到 'Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager'
我在 start.php
require 'database.php';
//############ NAMESPACING ################//
use Slim\Slim; //import slim
use Noodlehaus\Config;
use Boilerplate\User\User;
ini_set('display_errors','on'); //TURN OFF ON LIVE SITE
define('INC_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__)); //create local root
require INC_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // autoload in all the dependencies in the vendor files.
$app = new Slim([
'mode' => file_get_contents(INC_ROOT . '/mode.php')
]); //assign the entire app file to a variable
$app->configureMode($app->config('mode'), function() use ($app){
$app->config = Config::load(INC_ROOT . "/app/config/{$app->mode}.php"); //pull in the config file
$app->container->set('user', function(){
return new User;
确保您已将 Illuminate\Database
添加到您的作曲文件中,并且 运行 composer update
然后在添加自动加载器后放置 require 'database.php';
require INC_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Below here
composer install
如果您正在使用 docker,请确保您在 运行 安装命令之前位于容器内。
docker-compose run <app_name> bash