为什么文件 class return 是类型为“_File”的对象而不是 Dart/Flutter 中的 'File'?

Why does the File class return an object of type '_File' instead of 'File' in Dart/Flutter?


如果您想自己复制 运行 代码:

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  File testFile = File('test');
  print('testFile: $testFile');
  print('testFile type: ${testFile.runtimeType}');
  print(testFile.runtimeType == File);

编辑:将 flutter 升级到 2.8.0,同样的问题仍然存在。

File 是抽象的class。 _FileFile 的实现。所以在这种情况下,testFile 的 runtimeType 是 _Type.

abstract class File implements FileSystemEntity {
  /// Creates a [File] object.
  /// If [path] is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the
  /// current working directory (see [Directory.current]), when used.
  /// If [path] is an absolute path, it will be immune to changes to the
  /// current working directory.
  factory File(String path) {
    final IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
    if (overrides == null) {
      return new _File(path);
    return overrides.createFile(path);