THREE.JS & Reality Capture - 3D 中的旋转问题摄影测量参考相机 space
THREE.JS & Reality Capture - Rotation issue photogrammetry reference camera's in a 3D space
感谢您花时间审阅我的 post。我希望这个 post 不仅会为我自己带来成果,也可能对其他人有所帮助!
目前我正在从事一个涉及用摄影测量法生成的点云的项目。它由结合了激光扫描的照片组成。用于制作点云的软件是 Reality Capture。除了点云导出外,还可以导出“Internal/External 相机参数”,提供检索用于构成点云中某个 3D 点的照片的能力。 Reality Capture 在网上没有很好的记录,我也在他们的论坛中 post 编辑了关于 camera variables 的内容,也许它可以用来解决手头的问题?
只有相机参数文件中列出的几个变量(目前)与参考相机定位相关,例如 文件名、x、y、alt 位置、航向、俯仰和滚动作为其旋转.
目前生成的点云被加载到浏览器兼容的 THREE.JS 查看器中,之后加载相机参数 .csv 文件,并且对于每张已知照片,'PerspectiveCamera'生成时带有绿色立方体。示例如下:
事实上,您可能已经根据上一张图片(或者当然是此 post 的标题 ;P)知道问题出在哪里,以防万一您可能没有发现它,摄像机的方向都错了。让我用简陋的 self-drawn 向量为您形象化它,这些向量基本显示了它应该面向的方向 (标记为红色) 以及它当前如何向量化 (绿色).
第37行,DJI_0176.jpg是最右边的相机,有红色参考线第38行是177等最后一张图(第48行是 DJI_189.jpg) 并且对应于 clustured 图像的最左边的图像(因为我没有在上面的图像中绘制其他两个相机参考,所以我没有包括其他的)。
当您将下面的数据复制到 Excel sheet 时,它应该可以正确显示 ^^
#name x y alt heading pitch roll f px py k1 k2 k3 k4 t1 t2
DJI_0174.JPG 3.116820957 -44.25690188 14.05258109 -26.86297007 66.43104338 1.912026354 30.35179628 7.25E-03 1.45E-03 -4.02E-03 -2.04E-02 3.94E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0175.JPG -5.22E-02 -46.97266554 14.18056658 -16.2033133 66.11532302 3.552072396 30.28063771 4.93E-03 4.21E-04 1.38E-02 -0.108013599 0.183136287 0 0 0
DJI_0176.JPG -3.056586953 -49.00754998 14.3474763 4.270483155 65.35247679 5.816970677 30.50596933 -5.05E-03 -3.53E-03 -4.94E-03 3.24E-02 -3.84E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0177.JPG -6.909437337 -50.15910066 14.38391206 19.4459053 64.26828897 6.685020944 30.6994734 -1.40E-02 4.72E-03 -5.33E-04 1.90E-02 -1.74E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0178.JPG -11.23696688 -50.36025313 14.56924433 19.19192622 64.40188316 6.265995184 30.7665397 -1.26E-02 2.41E-03 1.24E-04 -4.63E-03 2.84E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0179.JPG -16.04060554 -49.92320365 14.69721478 19.39979452 64.85507307 6.224929846 30.93772566 -1.19E-02 -4.31E-03 -1.27E-02 4.62E-02 -4.48E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0180.JPG -20.95614556 -49.22915437 14.92273203 20.39327092 65.02028543 6.164031482 30.99807237 -1.02E-02 -7.70E-03 1.44E-03 -2.22E-02 3.94E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0181.JPG -25.9335097 -48.45330177 15.37330388 34.24388008 64.82707628 6.979877709 31.3534556 -1.06E-02 -1.19E-02 -5.44E-03 2.39E-02 -2.38E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0182.JPG -30.40507957 -47.21269946 15.67804925 49.98858409 64.29238807 7.449650513 31.6699868 -8.75E-03 -1.31E-02 -4.57E-03 2.31E-02 2.68E-03 0 0 0
DJI_0183.JPG -34.64277285 -44.84034207 15.89229254 65.84203906 62.9109777 7.065942792 31.78292476 -8.39E-03 -2.94E-03 -1.40E-02 8.96E-02 -0.11801932 0 0 0
DJI_0184.JPG -39.17179024 -40.22577764 16.28164396 65.53938063 63.2592604 6.676581293 31.79546988 -9.81E-03 -8.13E-03 1.01E-02 -8.44E-02 0.179931606 0 0 0
DJI_0185.JPG -43.549378 -33.09364534 16.64130671 68.61427166 63.15205908 6.258411625 31.75339036 -9.78E-03 -7.12E-03 4.75E-03 -6.25E-02 0.1541638 0 0 0
DJI_0186.JPG -46.5381556 -24.2992233 17.2286956 74.42382577 63.75110346 6.279208736 31.88862443 -1.01E-02 -1.73E-02 1.02E-02 -6.15E-02 4.89E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0187.JPG -48.18737751 -14.67333218 17.85446854 79.54477952 63.0503902 5.980759013 31.69602914 -8.83E-03 -1.01E-02 -7.63E-03 -7.49E-03 2.71E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0188.JPG -48.48581505 -13.79840485 17.84756621 93.43316271 61.87561678 5.110113503 31.6671977 1.99E-03 -9.40E-04 2.40E-02 -0.180515731 0.32814456 0 0 0
DJI_0189.JPG -48.32815991 -13.88055437 17.77818573 106.3277582 60.87171036 4.039469869 31.50757712 2.84E-03 4.12E-03 8.54E-03 -1.32E-02 3.89E-02 0 0 0
我们发现导出的模型是从现实中镜像的,但这并不影响相机参考的放置,因为它们完美对齐。我们试图镜像引用的相机、点云和视口相机,但这似乎并没有解决手头的问题。 (因此 camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// Await the .csv file being parsed from the server
await new Promise((resolve) => {
(file as Blob).text().then((csvStr) => {
const rows = csvStr.split('\n');
for (const row of rows) {
const col = row.split(',');
if (col.length > 1) {
const suffixes = col[0].split('.');
const extension = suffixes[suffixes.length - 1].toLowerCase();
const validExtensions = ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'];
if (!validExtensions.includes(extension)) {
// == Parameter index by .csv column names ==
// 0: #name; 1: x; 2: y; 3: alt; 4: heading; 5: pitch; 6: roll; 7:f (focal);
// == Non .csv param ==
// 8: bool isRadianFormat default false
this.createCamera(col[0], parseFloat(col[1]), parseFloat(col[2]), parseFloat(col[3]), parseFloat(col[4]), parseFloat(col[5]), parseFloat(col[6]), parseFloat(col[7]));
private createCamera(fileName: string, xPos: number, yPos: number, zPos: number, xDeg: number, yDeg: number, zDeg: number, f: number, isRadianFormat = false) : void {
// Set radials as THREE.JS explicitly only works in radians
const xRad = isRadianFormat ? xDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(xDeg);
const yRad = isRadianFormat ? yDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(yDeg)
const zRad = isRadianFormat ? zDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(zDeg)
// Create camera reference and extract frustum
// Statically set the FOV and aspectratio; Near is set to 0,1 by default and Far is dynamically set whenever a point is clicked in a 3D space.
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(67, 5280 / 2970, 0.1, 1);
const pos = new THREE.Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos); // Reality capture z = up; THREE y = up;
/* ===
In order to set an Euler angle one must provide the heading (x), pitch (y) and roll(z) as well as the order (variable four 'XYZ') in which the rotations will be applied
As a last resort we even tried switching the x,y and zRad variables as well as switching the orientation orders.
Possible orders:
=== */
const rot = new THREE.Euler(xRad, yRad, zRad, 'XYZ');
//camera.setRotationFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,))
//camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// const rot = new THREE.Quaternion();
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), zRad);
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), xRad);
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), yRad);
// XYZ
// === Update camera frustum ===
// camera.applyQuaternion(rot);
camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // TODO: Assert whether projection update is required here
/* ===
The camera.applyMatrix listed below was an attempt in rotating several aspects of the 3D viewer.
An attempt was made to rotate each individual photo camera position, the pointcloud itself aswell as the viewport camera both separately
as well as solo. It made no difference however.
=== */
//camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// Instantiate CameraPosition instance and push to array
const photo: PhotoPosition = {
file: fileName,
position: pos,
rotation: rot,
focal: f,
width: 5120, // Statically set for now
height: 5120, // Statically set for now
在上面的代码片段中创建的相机然后被下一段代码捕获,该代码将相机传递给相机管理器并绘制 CameraHelper(显示在上面的两个 3D 查看器图片中)。它是在异步函数中编写的,等待 csv 文件加载,然后再继续初始化相机。
private initializeCameraPoses(url: string, csvLoader: CSVLoader) {
const absoluteUrl = url + '\references.csv';
(async (scene, csvLoader, url, renderer) => {
await csvLoader.init(url);
const photos = csvLoader.getPhotos(); // The cameras created by the createCamera() method
this.inspectionRenderer = new InspectionRenderer(scene); // InspectionRenderer manages all further camera operations
for (const photoData of photos) {
// Draw the green cube
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// Draws the yellow camera viewport to the scene
const helper = new CameraHelper(;
})(this.scene, csvLoader, absoluteUrl, this.renderer);
Marquizzo 的代码片段
下面 post 编辑的 Marquizzo 代码片段似乎让我们更接近解决方案。相机似乎朝向正确的方向。然而,球场似乎有点偏离。下面我将包含 DJI_0189.jpg 的源图像。请注意,对于此示例,当前未设置 FOV,因为当为每个相机位置渲染相机助手时,它看起来很混乱。对于这个例子,我只渲染了 DJI_0189 相机助手。
@Marquizzo 提供的编辑反转音高 (const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -1);
) 会导致中点交点始终如预期的那样略低:
当间距调整为 const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -.5);
感谢您 post 到目前为止的阅读!
如果不显示您如何使用 createCamera()
方法,很难看出问题出在哪里。您可以将 pitch
与 heading
其次,您知道您的传感器以什么顺序进行 heading, pitch, roll
测量吗?这将影响您启动 THREE.Euler(xRad, yRad, zRad, 'XYZ')
的方式,因为 the order in which to apply rotations 也可能是 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ' or 'ZYX'
最后,你要思考“heading: 0
对传感器意味着什么?”它可能意味着现实世界和 Three.js 坐标系之间的不同事物。 Three.js 中没有旋转的相机正直视 -Z
轴,但您的传感器可能指向 +Z
或 +X
我在下面添加了一个演示,我认为这是您从屏幕截图中需要的。请注意,我将 pitch * -1
相乘,因此摄像机“向下看”,并将 +180
const DATA = [
{name: "DJI_0174.JPG", x: 3.116820957, y: -44.25690188, alt: 14.05258109, heading: -26.86297007, pitch: 66.43104338, roll: 1.912026354},
{name: "DJI_0175.JPG", x: -5.22E-02, y: -46.97266554, alt: 14.18056658, heading: -16.2033133, pitch: 66.11532302, roll: 3.552072396},
{name: "DJI_0176.JPG", x: -3.056586953, y: -49.00754998, alt: 14.3474763, heading: 4.270483155, pitch: 65.35247679, roll: 5.816970677},
{name: "DJI_0177.JPG", x: -6.909437337, y: -50.15910066, alt: 14.38391206, heading: 19.4459053, pitch: 64.26828897, roll: 6.685020944},
{name: "DJI_0178.JPG", x: -11.23696688, y: -50.36025313, alt: 14.56924433, heading: 19.19192622, pitch: 64.40188316, roll: 6.265995184},
{name: "DJI_0179.JPG", x: -16.04060554, y: -49.92320365, alt: 14.69721478, heading: 19.39979452, pitch: 64.85507307, roll: 6.224929846},
{name: "DJI_0180.JPG", x: -20.95614556, y: -49.22915437, alt: 14.92273203, heading: 20.39327092, pitch: 65.02028543, roll: 6.164031482},
{name: "DJI_0181.JPG", x: -25.9335097, y: -48.45330177, alt: 15.37330388, heading: 34.24388008, pitch: 64.82707628, roll: 6.979877709},
{name: "DJI_0182.JPG", x: -30.40507957, y: -47.21269946, alt: 15.67804925, heading: 49.98858409, pitch: 64.29238807, roll: 7.449650513},
{name: "DJI_0183.JPG", x: -34.64277285, y: -44.84034207, alt: 15.89229254, heading: 65.84203906, pitch: 62.9109777, roll: 7.065942792},
{name: "DJI_0184.JPG", x: -39.17179024, y: -40.22577764, alt: 16.28164396, heading: 65.53938063, pitch: 63.2592604, roll: 6.676581293},
{name: "DJI_0185.JPG", x: -43.549378, y: -33.09364534, alt: 16.64130671, heading: 68.61427166, pitch: 63.15205908, roll: 6.258411625},
{name: "DJI_0186.JPG", x: -46.5381556, y: -24.2992233, alt: 17.2286956, heading: 74.42382577, pitch: 63.75110346, roll: 6.279208736},
{name: "DJI_0187.JPG", x: -48.18737751, y: -14.67333218, alt: 17.85446854, heading: 79.54477952, pitch: 63.0503902, roll: 5.980759013},
{name: "DJI_0188.JPG", x: -48.48581505, y: -13.79840485, alt: 17.84756621, heading: 93.43316271, pitch: 61.87561678, roll: 5.110113503},
{name: "DJI_0189.JPG", x: -48.32815991, y: -13.88055437, alt: 17.77818573, heading: 106.3277582, pitch: 60.87171036, roll: 4.039469869},
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
camera.position.z = 100;
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: true,
canvas: document.querySelector("#canvas")
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
// Helpers
const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper( 20 );
const plane = new THREE.Plane( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), 0 );
const planeHelper = new THREE.PlaneHelper( plane, 50, 0xffff00 );
let deg2rad = THREE.MathUtils.degToRad;
function createCam(photo) {
let tempCam = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(10, 2.0, 1, 30);
// Altitude is actually y-axis,
// "y" is actually z-axis
tempCam.position.set(photo.x, photo.alt, photo.y);
// Modify pitch & heading so it matches Three.js coordinates
const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -1);
const rotY = deg2rad(photo.heading + 180);
const rotZ = deg2rad(photo.roll);
tempCam.rotation.set(rotX, rotY, rotZ, "YXZ");
let helper = new THREE.CameraHelper(tempCam);
for(let i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) {
function animate() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
html, body { margin:0; padding:0;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
感谢您花时间审阅我的 post。我希望这个 post 不仅会为我自己带来成果,也可能对其他人有所帮助!
目前我正在从事一个涉及用摄影测量法生成的点云的项目。它由结合了激光扫描的照片组成。用于制作点云的软件是 Reality Capture。除了点云导出外,还可以导出“Internal/External 相机参数”,提供检索用于构成点云中某个 3D 点的照片的能力。 Reality Capture 在网上没有很好的记录,我也在他们的论坛中 post 编辑了关于 camera variables 的内容,也许它可以用来解决手头的问题?
只有相机参数文件中列出的几个变量(目前)与参考相机定位相关,例如 文件名、x、y、alt 位置、航向、俯仰和滚动作为其旋转.
目前生成的点云被加载到浏览器兼容的 THREE.JS 查看器中,之后加载相机参数 .csv 文件,并且对于每张已知照片,'PerspectiveCamera'生成时带有绿色立方体。示例如下:
事实上,您可能已经根据上一张图片(或者当然是此 post 的标题 ;P)知道问题出在哪里,以防万一您可能没有发现它,摄像机的方向都错了。让我用简陋的 self-drawn 向量为您形象化它,这些向量基本显示了它应该面向的方向 (标记为红色) 以及它当前如何向量化 (绿色).
第37行,DJI_0176.jpg是最右边的相机,有红色参考线第38行是177等最后一张图(第48行是 DJI_189.jpg) 并且对应于 clustured 图像的最左边的图像(因为我没有在上面的图像中绘制其他两个相机参考,所以我没有包括其他的)。
当您将下面的数据复制到 Excel sheet 时,它应该可以正确显示 ^^
#name x y alt heading pitch roll f px py k1 k2 k3 k4 t1 t2
DJI_0174.JPG 3.116820957 -44.25690188 14.05258109 -26.86297007 66.43104338 1.912026354 30.35179628 7.25E-03 1.45E-03 -4.02E-03 -2.04E-02 3.94E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0175.JPG -5.22E-02 -46.97266554 14.18056658 -16.2033133 66.11532302 3.552072396 30.28063771 4.93E-03 4.21E-04 1.38E-02 -0.108013599 0.183136287 0 0 0
DJI_0176.JPG -3.056586953 -49.00754998 14.3474763 4.270483155 65.35247679 5.816970677 30.50596933 -5.05E-03 -3.53E-03 -4.94E-03 3.24E-02 -3.84E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0177.JPG -6.909437337 -50.15910066 14.38391206 19.4459053 64.26828897 6.685020944 30.6994734 -1.40E-02 4.72E-03 -5.33E-04 1.90E-02 -1.74E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0178.JPG -11.23696688 -50.36025313 14.56924433 19.19192622 64.40188316 6.265995184 30.7665397 -1.26E-02 2.41E-03 1.24E-04 -4.63E-03 2.84E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0179.JPG -16.04060554 -49.92320365 14.69721478 19.39979452 64.85507307 6.224929846 30.93772566 -1.19E-02 -4.31E-03 -1.27E-02 4.62E-02 -4.48E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0180.JPG -20.95614556 -49.22915437 14.92273203 20.39327092 65.02028543 6.164031482 30.99807237 -1.02E-02 -7.70E-03 1.44E-03 -2.22E-02 3.94E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0181.JPG -25.9335097 -48.45330177 15.37330388 34.24388008 64.82707628 6.979877709 31.3534556 -1.06E-02 -1.19E-02 -5.44E-03 2.39E-02 -2.38E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0182.JPG -30.40507957 -47.21269946 15.67804925 49.98858409 64.29238807 7.449650513 31.6699868 -8.75E-03 -1.31E-02 -4.57E-03 2.31E-02 2.68E-03 0 0 0
DJI_0183.JPG -34.64277285 -44.84034207 15.89229254 65.84203906 62.9109777 7.065942792 31.78292476 -8.39E-03 -2.94E-03 -1.40E-02 8.96E-02 -0.11801932 0 0 0
DJI_0184.JPG -39.17179024 -40.22577764 16.28164396 65.53938063 63.2592604 6.676581293 31.79546988 -9.81E-03 -8.13E-03 1.01E-02 -8.44E-02 0.179931606 0 0 0
DJI_0185.JPG -43.549378 -33.09364534 16.64130671 68.61427166 63.15205908 6.258411625 31.75339036 -9.78E-03 -7.12E-03 4.75E-03 -6.25E-02 0.1541638 0 0 0
DJI_0186.JPG -46.5381556 -24.2992233 17.2286956 74.42382577 63.75110346 6.279208736 31.88862443 -1.01E-02 -1.73E-02 1.02E-02 -6.15E-02 4.89E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0187.JPG -48.18737751 -14.67333218 17.85446854 79.54477952 63.0503902 5.980759013 31.69602914 -8.83E-03 -1.01E-02 -7.63E-03 -7.49E-03 2.71E-02 0 0 0
DJI_0188.JPG -48.48581505 -13.79840485 17.84756621 93.43316271 61.87561678 5.110113503 31.6671977 1.99E-03 -9.40E-04 2.40E-02 -0.180515731 0.32814456 0 0 0
DJI_0189.JPG -48.32815991 -13.88055437 17.77818573 106.3277582 60.87171036 4.039469869 31.50757712 2.84E-03 4.12E-03 8.54E-03 -1.32E-02 3.89E-02 0 0 0
我们发现导出的模型是从现实中镜像的,但这并不影响相机参考的放置,因为它们完美对齐。我们试图镜像引用的相机、点云和视口相机,但这似乎并没有解决手头的问题。 (因此 camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// Await the .csv file being parsed from the server
await new Promise((resolve) => {
(file as Blob).text().then((csvStr) => {
const rows = csvStr.split('\n');
for (const row of rows) {
const col = row.split(',');
if (col.length > 1) {
const suffixes = col[0].split('.');
const extension = suffixes[suffixes.length - 1].toLowerCase();
const validExtensions = ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'];
if (!validExtensions.includes(extension)) {
// == Parameter index by .csv column names ==
// 0: #name; 1: x; 2: y; 3: alt; 4: heading; 5: pitch; 6: roll; 7:f (focal);
// == Non .csv param ==
// 8: bool isRadianFormat default false
this.createCamera(col[0], parseFloat(col[1]), parseFloat(col[2]), parseFloat(col[3]), parseFloat(col[4]), parseFloat(col[5]), parseFloat(col[6]), parseFloat(col[7]));
private createCamera(fileName: string, xPos: number, yPos: number, zPos: number, xDeg: number, yDeg: number, zDeg: number, f: number, isRadianFormat = false) : void {
// Set radials as THREE.JS explicitly only works in radians
const xRad = isRadianFormat ? xDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(xDeg);
const yRad = isRadianFormat ? yDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(yDeg)
const zRad = isRadianFormat ? zDeg : THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(zDeg)
// Create camera reference and extract frustum
// Statically set the FOV and aspectratio; Near is set to 0,1 by default and Far is dynamically set whenever a point is clicked in a 3D space.
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(67, 5280 / 2970, 0.1, 1);
const pos = new THREE.Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos); // Reality capture z = up; THREE y = up;
/* ===
In order to set an Euler angle one must provide the heading (x), pitch (y) and roll(z) as well as the order (variable four 'XYZ') in which the rotations will be applied
As a last resort we even tried switching the x,y and zRad variables as well as switching the orientation orders.
Possible orders:
=== */
const rot = new THREE.Euler(xRad, yRad, zRad, 'XYZ');
//camera.setRotationFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,))
//camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// const rot = new THREE.Quaternion();
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), zRad);
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), xRad);
// rot.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), yRad);
// XYZ
// === Update camera frustum ===
// camera.applyQuaternion(rot);
camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // TODO: Assert whether projection update is required here
/* ===
The camera.applyMatrix listed below was an attempt in rotating several aspects of the 3D viewer.
An attempt was made to rotate each individual photo camera position, the pointcloud itself aswell as the viewport camera both separately
as well as solo. It made no difference however.
=== */
//camera.applyMatrix4(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
// Instantiate CameraPosition instance and push to array
const photo: PhotoPosition = {
file: fileName,
position: pos,
rotation: rot,
focal: f,
width: 5120, // Statically set for now
height: 5120, // Statically set for now
在上面的代码片段中创建的相机然后被下一段代码捕获,该代码将相机传递给相机管理器并绘制 CameraHelper(显示在上面的两个 3D 查看器图片中)。它是在异步函数中编写的,等待 csv 文件加载,然后再继续初始化相机。
private initializeCameraPoses(url: string, csvLoader: CSVLoader) {
const absoluteUrl = url + '\references.csv';
(async (scene, csvLoader, url, renderer) => {
await csvLoader.init(url);
const photos = csvLoader.getPhotos(); // The cameras created by the createCamera() method
this.inspectionRenderer = new InspectionRenderer(scene); // InspectionRenderer manages all further camera operations
for (const photoData of photos) {
// Draw the green cube
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// Draws the yellow camera viewport to the scene
const helper = new CameraHelper(;
})(this.scene, csvLoader, absoluteUrl, this.renderer);
Marquizzo 的代码片段
下面 post 编辑的 Marquizzo 代码片段似乎让我们更接近解决方案。相机似乎朝向正确的方向。然而,球场似乎有点偏离。下面我将包含 DJI_0189.jpg 的源图像。请注意,对于此示例,当前未设置 FOV,因为当为每个相机位置渲染相机助手时,它看起来很混乱。对于这个例子,我只渲染了 DJI_0189 相机助手。
@Marquizzo 提供的编辑反转音高 (const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -1);
) 会导致中点交点始终如预期的那样略低:
当间距调整为 const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -.5);
感谢您 post 到目前为止的阅读!
heading, pitch, roll
测量吗?这将影响您启动THREE.Euler(xRad, yRad, zRad, 'XYZ')
的方式,因为 the order in which to apply rotations 也可能是'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ' or 'ZYX'
heading: 0
对传感器意味着什么?”它可能意味着现实世界和 Three.js 坐标系之间的不同事物。 Three.js 中没有旋转的相机正直视-Z
我在下面添加了一个演示,我认为这是您从屏幕截图中需要的。请注意,我将 pitch * -1
相乘,因此摄像机“向下看”,并将 +180
const DATA = [
{name: "DJI_0174.JPG", x: 3.116820957, y: -44.25690188, alt: 14.05258109, heading: -26.86297007, pitch: 66.43104338, roll: 1.912026354},
{name: "DJI_0175.JPG", x: -5.22E-02, y: -46.97266554, alt: 14.18056658, heading: -16.2033133, pitch: 66.11532302, roll: 3.552072396},
{name: "DJI_0176.JPG", x: -3.056586953, y: -49.00754998, alt: 14.3474763, heading: 4.270483155, pitch: 65.35247679, roll: 5.816970677},
{name: "DJI_0177.JPG", x: -6.909437337, y: -50.15910066, alt: 14.38391206, heading: 19.4459053, pitch: 64.26828897, roll: 6.685020944},
{name: "DJI_0178.JPG", x: -11.23696688, y: -50.36025313, alt: 14.56924433, heading: 19.19192622, pitch: 64.40188316, roll: 6.265995184},
{name: "DJI_0179.JPG", x: -16.04060554, y: -49.92320365, alt: 14.69721478, heading: 19.39979452, pitch: 64.85507307, roll: 6.224929846},
{name: "DJI_0180.JPG", x: -20.95614556, y: -49.22915437, alt: 14.92273203, heading: 20.39327092, pitch: 65.02028543, roll: 6.164031482},
{name: "DJI_0181.JPG", x: -25.9335097, y: -48.45330177, alt: 15.37330388, heading: 34.24388008, pitch: 64.82707628, roll: 6.979877709},
{name: "DJI_0182.JPG", x: -30.40507957, y: -47.21269946, alt: 15.67804925, heading: 49.98858409, pitch: 64.29238807, roll: 7.449650513},
{name: "DJI_0183.JPG", x: -34.64277285, y: -44.84034207, alt: 15.89229254, heading: 65.84203906, pitch: 62.9109777, roll: 7.065942792},
{name: "DJI_0184.JPG", x: -39.17179024, y: -40.22577764, alt: 16.28164396, heading: 65.53938063, pitch: 63.2592604, roll: 6.676581293},
{name: "DJI_0185.JPG", x: -43.549378, y: -33.09364534, alt: 16.64130671, heading: 68.61427166, pitch: 63.15205908, roll: 6.258411625},
{name: "DJI_0186.JPG", x: -46.5381556, y: -24.2992233, alt: 17.2286956, heading: 74.42382577, pitch: 63.75110346, roll: 6.279208736},
{name: "DJI_0187.JPG", x: -48.18737751, y: -14.67333218, alt: 17.85446854, heading: 79.54477952, pitch: 63.0503902, roll: 5.980759013},
{name: "DJI_0188.JPG", x: -48.48581505, y: -13.79840485, alt: 17.84756621, heading: 93.43316271, pitch: 61.87561678, roll: 5.110113503},
{name: "DJI_0189.JPG", x: -48.32815991, y: -13.88055437, alt: 17.77818573, heading: 106.3277582, pitch: 60.87171036, roll: 4.039469869},
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
camera.position.z = 100;
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: true,
canvas: document.querySelector("#canvas")
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
// Helpers
const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper( 20 );
const plane = new THREE.Plane( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), 0 );
const planeHelper = new THREE.PlaneHelper( plane, 50, 0xffff00 );
let deg2rad = THREE.MathUtils.degToRad;
function createCam(photo) {
let tempCam = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(10, 2.0, 1, 30);
// Altitude is actually y-axis,
// "y" is actually z-axis
tempCam.position.set(photo.x, photo.alt, photo.y);
// Modify pitch & heading so it matches Three.js coordinates
const rotX = deg2rad(photo.pitch * -1);
const rotY = deg2rad(photo.heading + 180);
const rotZ = deg2rad(photo.roll);
tempCam.rotation.set(rotX, rotY, rotZ, "YXZ");
let helper = new THREE.CameraHelper(tempCam);
for(let i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) {
function animate() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
html, body { margin:0; padding:0;}
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