
(Unity) Is there a way to get notified when referenced object instance gets deleted/missed?

假设我们有 MonoBehaviour class 和 Transform 属性:

public class Class : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform Target; //An object is already referenced here.


Unity 会将其显示为“缺失”:

因为它只是一个转换,你不能在这里真正使用 OnDestroy(),即使你可以,这也不是一个好的选择,因为有多少转换实例。



void OnValidate() {
    if (Target == null)
        throw new NullReferenceException();    


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;

// Creates a custom Label on the inspector for all the scripts named ScriptName
// Make sure you have a ScriptName script in your
// project, else this will not work.
public class ClassEditor: Editor
    Class classInstance;
    protected void OnEnable() {
        classInstance = (Class)target;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        //you can first try only uncommenting line below to check if this script is working
        //GUILayout.Label ("This is a Label in a Custom Editor");  
        if (classInstance.Target === null) {
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Target transform missing");

不确定 Class 名称是否会产生冲突,如果是则更改 class 名称。也不确定组件在缺失时是否被评估为 null(null 和 missing 不一样),我认为代码明智是相同的并且两者都抛出 nullRef 异常,但你被告知控制台,如果它为空或丢失。