根据 for 循环中的迭代次数向列表添加不同的值

Adding a different value to a list based on number of iteration in a for loop

我是 Python 和一般编程的新手,我在处理网站解析项目时遇到问题。


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
import json

#necessary lists
url_list = [
item_list = []
items_name = []
combined_data = []
iteration = 0

#looping for every url found in url_list
for url in url_list:
    #requesting data
    r = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")

    #splitting the last part of the url which has the name of the item that I want to insert in the dataframe
    name = url.split("/")[4]

    #Finding in the parsed HTML code where the JSON file starts ( it start from <script> n°2)
    results = soup.find_all('script')[2].text.strip()
    data = json.loads(results)
    combined_data.append(data) #combining all the data into one list

    #filtering only the users who sell the items and are either "ingame" or "online"
    for payload in combined_data[iteration]["payload"]["orders"]:
        if payload["order_type"] == "sell" and (payload["user"]["status"] == "online" or payload["user"]["status"] == "ingame"):
            p = payload
            #adding the items names to the item list       ???? PROBLEM ?????
            item_list = [dict(item, **{'name':items_name[iteration]}) for item in item_list]
    #trying to change the list from where the data gets taken from and the items name        ????? PROBLEM ????
    iteration += 1        
    #creating a dataframe with all the values
    df = pd.DataFrame(item_list).sort_values(by=["platinum"])

我正在尝试做但找不到解决方案的方法是将 url 所指项目的名称添加到 item_list。


index platinum quantity ... items name (problematic column)
1 10 1 ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)
2 11 1 ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)
3 12 2 ... zaw_riven_mod_(veiled)
4 ... ... ... zaw_riven_mod_(veiled)


index platinum quantity ... items name (problematic column)
1 10 1 ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)
2 11 1 ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)
3 12 2 ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)
4 ... ... ... melee_riven_mod_(veiled)

所以我想问问我在for循环中做错了什么?它迭代 2 次,即 url_list 中的 url 的数量,但它不会更改项目的名称。 我没看到什么?


if payload["order_type"] == "sell" and (payload["user"]["status"] == "online" or payload["user"]["status"] == "ingame"):
     p = payload
     #adding the items names to the item list       ???? PROBLEM ?????
     item_list = [dict(item, **{'name':items_name[iteration]}) for item in item_list]


if payload["order_type"] == "sell" and (payload["user"]["status"] == "online" or payload["user"]["status"] == "ingame"):
    payload['name'] = items_name[iteration]

请注意,您可以使用 enumerate 遍历 url_list,而不是使用单独的变量 iteration 并递增它,它同时提供项目 每次迭代的索引:

for iteration, url in enumerate(url_list):