如何分隔 Pandas、Python 中具有特殊字符的列

How to separate columns with special characters in Pandas, Python


我的数据在 .txt 文件中看起来不同,但当我粘贴到这里时它看起来像:

PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0
PW  100  2000  2000  C   0  0  0   0.00   0.00    0



import pandas as pd
pd.read_table('data.txt',sep = '\s+')


尝试将您的 sep 更改为 r'[\s+\x00-\x19]'

pd.read_table('data.txt',sep = r'[\s+\x00-\x19]')


import pandas as pd
import io
import re

with open('pwd_data.txt') as fp:
    buffer = io.StringIO(re.sub('[-]', '', fp.read()))
    df = pd.read_table(buffer, header=None, sep='\s+')


>>> df
    0    1     2     3  4   5   6   7    8    9   10
0   PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0
1   PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0
2   PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0
32  PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0
33  PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0
34  PW  100  2000  2000  C   0   0   0  0.0  0.0   0

>>> df.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 35 entries, 0 to 34
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   0       35 non-null     object 
 1   1       35 non-null     int64  
 2   2       35 non-null     int64  
 3   3       35 non-null     int64  
 4   4       35 non-null     object 
 5   5       35 non-null     int64  
 6   6       35 non-null     int64  
 7   7       35 non-null     int64  
 8   8       35 non-null     float64
 9   9       35 non-null     float64
 10  10      35 non-null     int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(7), object(2)
memory usage: 3.1+ KB