优化在文本搜索中使用正则表达式的 psql 查询

Optimizing psql query that's using regex on text search

在 psql 中我有以下查询。



"SELECT \"people\".* FROM \"people\" WHERE (((TITLE IS NOT NULL AND title ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)' AND title !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)') OR (TITLE IS NULL AND headline ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)' AND headline !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)')) AND ((TITLE IS NOT NULL AND title ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)' AND title !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)') OR (TITLE IS NULL AND headline ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)' AND headline !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)')))"


 Gather  (cost=1000.00..286343.58 rows=61760 width=715)                                                                                                                                                                               
   Workers Planned: 2                                                                    
   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on people  (cost=0.00..279167.58 rows=25733 width=715)                                                                                                                                                       
         Filter: ((((title IS NOT NULL) AND ((title)::text ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text) AND ((title)::text !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)'::text)) OR ((title IS NULL) AND ((headline)::text ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text) AND ((headline)::text !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)'::text))) AND (((title IS NOT NULL) AND ((title)::text ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text) AND ((title)::text !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)'::text)) OR ((title IS NULL) AND ((headline)::text ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text) AND ((headline)::text !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)'::text))))
   Functions: 2                                         
   Options: Inlining false, Optimization false, Expressions true, Deforming true                                                                                                                                                      
(7 rows)     


... where my_column like 'FOO%' -- will (usually) use index
... where my_column like '%FOO%' -- will (usually) not use index


幸运的是,postgres 提供了对 full text search 的支持,这将为您的任务提供出色的性能和方便的语法。



create extension pg_trgm;
create index on people using gin (title gin_trgm_ops, headline gin_trgm_ops);


 Bitmap Heap Scan on people  (cost=547.25..551.28 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.741..0.743 rows=1 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (((title ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text) OR (headline ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text)) AND ((title ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text) OR (headline ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text)))
   Filter: ((((title IS NOT NULL) AND (title ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text) AND (title !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)'::text)) OR ((title IS NULL) AND (headline ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text) AND (headline !~* '(^| )(four|five|six)( |$|,)'::text))) AND (((title IS NOT NULL) AND (title ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text) AND (title !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)'::text)) OR ((title IS NULL) AND (headline ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text) AND (headline !~* '(^| )(ten|eleven)( |$|,)'::text))))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 2
   Heap Blocks: exact=1
   ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=547.25..547.25 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.701..0.702 rows=0 loops=1)
         ->  BitmapOr  (cost=241.50..241.50 rows=200 width=0) (actual time=0.395..0.395 rows=0 loops=1)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on people_title_headline_idx  (cost=0.00..120.75 rows=100 width=0) (actual time=0.208..0.208 rows=80 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (title ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on people_title_headline_idx  (cost=0.00..120.75 rows=100 width=0) (actual time=0.186..0.186 rows=60 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (headline ~* '(^| )(one|two|three)( |$|,)'::text)
         ->  BitmapOr  (cost=305.50..305.50 rows=200 width=0) (actual time=0.301..0.301 rows=0 loops=1)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on people_title_headline_idx  (cost=0.00..152.75 rows=100 width=0) (actual time=0.145..0.145 rows=3 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (title ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on people_title_headline_idx  (cost=0.00..152.75 rows=100 width=0) (actual time=0.156..0.156 rows=2 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (headline ~* '(^| )(seven|eight|nine)( |$|,)'::text)

没有索引需要 500 毫秒。

但是,如果每一行都匹配正表达式,但随后又通过匹配负表达式 (!~*) 而被排除,那么索引将无济于事。