空手道 api 测试断言在使用版本 1.1.0 和 1.2.0.RC1 时失败。当使用 1.0.1 和 1.0.0 版本时,相同的断言正在通过

Karate api testing- assertion getting failed when version 1.1.0 and 1.2.0.RC1 is used . Same assertion is passing when 1.0.1 and 1.0.0 version is uesd


Feature: reqres api test cases
  Scenario: list all users get request
    Given url "https://reqres.in/api"
    And path "/users?page=2"
    When method get
    Then print response
    And match response.data[0] == {"last_name": "Lawson","id": "#ignore","avatar": "#ignore","first_name": "Michael","email": "michael.lawson@reqres.in"}


match failed: EQUALS
$ | not equal | actual does not contain key - 'last_name' (MAP:MAP)


Given url "https://reqres.in/api"
And path "/users"
And param page = 2
When method get