如何将 any 数组转换为包含打字稿中其他数据类型的字符串数组?

How do I convert an any array to a string array containing other datatypes inside in typescript?

我正在做一个 typescript 教程练习,希望我将 any[] 数组更改为 string[]。

// declaring an array of any datatype
const  manufacturers: any[] = [{ id: 'Samsung', checked: false },
        { id: 'Motorola', checked: false },
        { id: 'Apple', checked: false },
        { id: 'Sony', checked: false }

console.log('Available Products are: ');

 // logic to populate the above declared array's id value
for (const item of manufacturers) {

    if(item.id === "Apple")
        console.log("check value is " + item.checked)


"const manufacturers: [string,boolean][]=" 然后它识别布尔值而不是字符串。我试图理解为什么它不将 id 视为字符串变量并使其匹配。如何在不使用 'any[]'


manufacturers的类型是{ id: string, checked: boolean }[]


manufacturers对象是一个包含对象的数组。每个对象都有一个 id 和一个 checked 属性 ,它们分别是字符串和布尔类型。

所以正如你所说,从any[]改成string[]是行不通的,因为manufacturers类型不是string[],而是{ id: string, checked: boolean }[] .

const manufacturers: { id: string, checked: boolean }[] = [{ id: 'Samsung', checked: false },
{ id: 'Motorola', checked: false },
{ id: 'Apple', checked: false },
{ id: 'Sony', checked: false }

console.log('Available Products are: ');

for (const item of manufacturers) {

  if (item.id === "Apple") {
    console.log("check value is " + item.checked)

正如@Calz 所指出的,您不需要显式输入变量的类型,因为初始化是在声明时发生的。


let a;
a = 5
console.log(typeof a) // number
a = "string"
console.log(typeof a) // string

let b = 5
b = "some string"; // error as TypeScript blames that type string is not assignable to type number