
How to use recursion-schemes to `cata` two mutually-recursive types?


type Label = String
data Tree a = Leaf Label a 
            | Branch Label [Tree a]


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)

type Label = String
data Tree a = Leaf Label a 
            | Branch Label [Tree a]
makeBaseFunctor ''Tree

allLabels :: Tree a -> [Label]
allLabels = cata go
  where go (LeafF l _) = [l]
        go (BranchF l lss) = l : concat lss


λ> allLabels (Branch "root" [(Leaf "a" 1), Branch "b" [Leaf "inner" 2]])

但是 Tree 的定义有点笨拙:每个数据构造函数都需要单独处理 Label。对于像 Tree 这样的小型结构,这还不算太糟糕,但是对于更多的构造函数,这将是一件很麻烦的事情。因此,让我们将标签设为自己的图层:

data Node' a = Leaf' a
             | Branch' [Tree' a]
data Labeled a = Labeled Label a
newtype Tree' a = Tree' (Labeled (Node' a))
makeBaseFunctor ''Tree'
makeBaseFunctor ''Node'

太好了,现在我们的 Node 类型表示没有标签的树的结构,并且 Tree' 和 Labeled 合谋用标签装饰它。但是我不再知道如何将 cata 与这些类型一起使用,即使它们与原始 Tree 类型同构。 makeBaseFunctor 没有看到任何递归,所以它只定义了与原始类型相同的基本仿函数:

$ stack build --ghc-options -ddump-splices
newtype Tree'F a r = Tree'F (Labeled (Node' a))
data Node'F a r = Leaf'F a | Branch'F [Tree' a]

这很公平,我也不知道我希望它生成什么:cata 期望单一类型进行模式匹配,当然它不能合成一个这是我的两种类型的组合。

那么这里的计划是什么?如果我定义自己的 Functor 实例,是否有一些对 cata 的改编在这里起作用?或者更好的方法来定义这种类型,避免重复处理 Label 但仍然是自递归而不是相互递归?


提到添加一个额外的类型参数,因此我们使用 Tree Labeled a:

而不是 Tree (Labeled a)
type Label = String
data Labeled a = Labeled Label a deriving Functor
data Tree f a = Leaf (f a)
              | Branch (f [Tree f a])

这样,单一类型 (Tree) 负责递归,因此 makeBaseFunctor 应该识别递归并将其抽象为函子。它确实这样做了,但它生成的实例并不完全正确。再次查看 -ddump-splices,我看到 makeBaseFunctor ''Tree 产生:

data TreeF f a r = LeafF (f a) | BranchF (f [r]) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type instance Base (Tree f a) = TreeF f a
instance Recursive (Tree f a) where
  project (Leaf x) = LeafF x
  project (Branch x) = BranchF x
instance Corecursive (Tree f a) where
  embed (LeafF x) = Leaf x
  embed (BranchF x) = Branch x

但这不会编译,因为 Recursive 和 Corecursive 实例仅在 f 是仿函数时才是正确的。递归方案似乎确实有某种可插拔机制,可以以不同的方式获取实例,但我不明白。但是,我可以直接将拼接复制到我的文件中并自己添加约束:

data TreeF f a r = LeafF (f a) | BranchF (f [r]) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type instance Base (Tree f a) = TreeF f a
instance Functor f => Recursive (Tree f a) where
  project (Leaf x) = LeafF x
  project (Branch x) = BranchF x
instance Functor f => Corecursive (Tree f a) where
  embed (LeafF x) = Leaf x
  embed (BranchF x) = Branch x

之后我可以使用与问题中的原始版本非常相似的方式使用 cata

allLabels :: Tree Labeled a -> [Label]
allLabels = cata go
  where go (LeafF (Labeled l _)) = [l]
        go (BranchF (Labeled l lss)) = l : concat lss
