如何使用 mysql 中的最后一个值 windows 分析函数结转时间序列中缺失日期的值

How to carrying over values for missing dates in time series using last value windows analytical functions in mysql

如何结转缺失日期的值 postcode/indicator_category 以创建完整的月度时间序列。我正在尝试使用 last_value 来继承值,但无法实现。我的方法正确吗?非常感谢任何帮助。

示例给定 table:

    create table test.indicator_data(
      postcode text, 
      month_ts date, 
      indicator_cat integer,
      measure double precision);

将值插入到 indicator_data table

    INSERT INTO test.indicator_data 
    ('sw5', '2017-07-01', 2, 99212.231),
    ('sw5', '2018-02-01', 2, 232.215),
    ('sw5', '2017-11-01', 3, 1523.2576),
    ('sw5', '2017-12-01', 3, 152.16),
    ('sw5', '2018-02-01', 3, 142.981),
    ('sw5', '2018-07-01', 3 , 142.1361),
    ('sw5 9', '2018-03-01', 2, 821.21),
    ('sw5 9', '2018-02-01', 2, 1182.19);


postcode month_ts indicator_cat measure
sw5 2017-07-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2018-02-01 2 232.215
sw5 2017-11-01 3 1523.2576
sw5 2017-12-01 3 152.16
sw5 2018-02-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-07-01 3 142.1361
sw59 2018-03-01 2 821.21
sw59 2018-02-01 2 1182.19


postcode month_ts indicator_cat measure
sw5 2017-07-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2017-08-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2017-09-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2017-10-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2017-11-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2017-12-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2018-01-01 2 99212.231
sw5 2018-02-01 2 232.215
sw5 2017-11-01 3 1523.2576
sw5 2017-12-01 3 152.16
sw5 2018-01-01 3 152.16
sw5 2018-02-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-03-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-04-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-05-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-06-01 3 142.981
sw5 2018-07-01 3 142.1361
sw59 2018-02-01 2 1182.19
sw59 2018-03-01 2 821.21


使用以下程序创建日历 table:

    CREATE PROCEDURE test.fill_calendar(`start_date` DATE, `end_date` DATE)
      DECLARE `crt_date` DATE;
      SET `crt_date`=start_date;
      WHILE `crt_date` < `end_date` DO
        INSERT INTO calendar VALUES(`crt_date`);
        SET `crt_date` = ADDDATE(`crt_date`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
      END WHILE;
    END |


CALL test.fill_calendar('2017-07-01', '2018-07-01');

查询试图丢失日期,但未能获得 last_values

    select postcode,last_value(postcode) over (order by datefield) from (
    SELECT indicator_data.postcode,calendar.datefield AS date,indicator_data.indicator_cat,indicator_data.measure
    FROM indicator_data RIGHT join calendar ON (DATE(indicator_data.month_ts) = calendar.datefield)
    WHERE (calendar.datefield BETWEEN (SELECT MIN(DATE(month_ts)) FROM indicator_data) AND (SELECT MAX(DATE(month_ts)) FROM indicator_data))
    GROUP BY date) as test;


max_info AS (
  SELECT postcode, indicator_cat, MAX(month_ts) month_ts
  FROM indicator_data
  GROUP BY postcode, indicator_cat
fill_info AS (
  SELECT postcode, indicator_cat, month_ts, measure
  FROM indicator_data
  SELECT postcode, indicator_cat, month_ts + INTERVAL 1 MONTH month_ts, measure
  FROM fill_info i
    SELECT 1
    FROM indicator_data d
    WHERE d.postcode = i.postcode
    AND d.indicator_cat = i.indicator_cat
    AND d.month_ts = i.month_ts + INTERVAL 1 MONTH
    SELECT 1
    FROM max_info m
    WHERE m.postcode = i.postcode
    AND m.indicator_cat = i.indicator_cat
    AND m.month_ts > i.month_ts + INTERVAL 1 MONTH
SELECT postcode, month_ts, indicator_cat, measure
FROM fill_info
ORDER BY postcode, indicator_cat, month_ts

您可以使用递归 CTE 创建日历 table 的结果集。
然后将日历 LEFT 连接到 table 并使用 SUM() window 函数在 measure 中创建具有 null 的行组。
最后使用 MAX() window 函数选择最后一个非空值 measure:

  RECURSIVE dates AS (
    SELECT postcode, indicator_cat, MIN(month_ts) month_ts, MAX(month_ts) max_month_ts 
    FROM indicator_data
    GROUP BY postcode, indicator_cat
    SELECT postcode, indicator_cat, month_ts + INTERVAL 1 MONTH, max_month_ts 
    FROM dates 
    WHERE month_ts + INTERVAL 1 MONTH <= max_month_ts
  cte AS (
    SELECT d.postcode, d.month_ts, d.indicator_cat, i.measure,
           SUM(i.measure IS NOT NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY d.postcode, d.indicator_cat ORDER BY d.month_ts) grp
    FROM dates d LEFT JOIN indicator_data i
    ON (i.postcode, i.indicator_cat, i.month_ts) = (d.postcode, d.indicator_cat, d.month_ts)
SELECT postcode, month_ts, indicator_cat,  
       MAX(measure) OVER (PARTITION BY postcode, indicator_cat, grp) measure   
FROM cte
ORDER BY postcode, indicator_cat, month_ts;
