
Left outer joins aggregate first

我有以下 tables

CREATE TABLE categories(
  id SERIAL,

CREATE TABLE category_translations(
  id SERIAL,
  name varchar not null,
  locale varchar not null, 
  category_id integer not null

CREATE TABLE products(
  id SERIAL,
  category_id integer not null

CREATE TABLE line_items(
  id SERIAL,
  total_cents integer
  product_id integer not null

我想做的是输出每个类别名称与其关联 line_items total_cents 总和的映射。类似于:

name sum_total_cents
Fresh foods 100000
Dry products 532000

存在唯一性约束,即每个区域设置只能存储一个名称。因此 category 将为存储在 category_translations table



SELECT SUM(line_items.total_cents) AS sum_total_cents, ???
FROM line_items INNER JOIN products ON products.id = line_items.product_id
INNER JOIN categories ON categories.id = products.category_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_translations ON category_translations.category_id = categories.id 
WHERE category_translations.locale ='en'
GROUP BY categories.id

我正在寻找 return 该类别第一个 name 的聚合函数。唯一缺少的是要写什么而不是 ??? 因为我一直面临很多 must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function 错误。在伪代码中,我正在 PostgreSQL 中寻找一个 FIRST() 聚合方法,我可以使用


  (select name from category_translations t 
   where t.category_id = c.id limit 1) as name,
  sum(i.total_cents) as sum_total_cents
from categories c
left join products p on p.category_id = c.id
left join line_items i on i.product_id = p.id
group by c.id, name

或者,如果您想要语言环境的类别名称 'en',那么您可以这样做:

  (select t.name from category_translations t 
   where t.category_id = c.id and t.locale ='en') as name,
  sum(i.total_cents) as sum_total_cents
from categories c
left join products p on p.category_id = c.id
left join line_items i on i.product_id = p.id
group by c.id, name