Typescript 中的模板文字推断和缩小

Template literal inference and narrowing in Typescript


export type EntityType = "foo" | "bar";
export interface Foo {
  id: `foo-${string}`;
export interface Bar {
  id: `bar-${string}`;

export type Ent<T extends EntityType> = T extends "foo" ? Foo : Bar;
export const resolve = <T extends EntityType>(id: `${T}-${string}`): Ent<T> => {
  if (id.startsWith("foo-")) {
    return { id: "foo-a" };
  if (id.startsWith("bar-")) {
    return { id: "bar-a" };
  throw new Error(`Unsupported entity type ${id}`);

return 语句抛出错误:Type '{ id: "foo-a"; }' is not assignable to type 'Ent<T>'

出现这种情况是因为 TS 无法推断 .startsWith("foo-") 实际上匹配 Foo 接口,这是可以理解的。

有没有办法提示编译器,以便它可以正确推断和缩小预期的 return 类型?现在这只有在我投射到任何一个时才有效:

if (id.startsWith("foo-")) {
  return { id: "foo-a" } as any;


if (id.startsWith("foo-")) {
    return { id: "foo-a" } as Foo as Ent<T>;
if (id.startsWith("bar-")) {
    return { id: "bar-a" } as Bar as Ent<T>;