打字稿:将 类 的数组类型转换为构造的 类 数组类型

Typescript: converting type of array of classes to type of array of constructed classes




const MapClasses = (classes, mapper) => {
  const instances = classes.map((item) => new item())
  return mapper(instances)

我如何为此创建打字稿声明,以确保 mapper 将始终接受 类[=47 的实例数组=].


class Coords {
  x = 10
  y = 10

class Names {
  name = 'Some Name'

const mapper = ([coords, names]) => {
  return {
    x: coords.x,
    y: coords.y,
    myName: names.name,

const mapped = MapClasses([Coords, Names], mapper)
// { x: 10, y: 10, myName: 'Some Name'}



type MapClasses = <Classes, Mapped>(
  classes: {
    [Property in keyof Classes]: new () => Classes[Property]
  mapper: (instances: Classes) => Mapped,
) => Mapped

但是在这种情况下,错误仅显示在 参数上,而不是 mapper.





MapClasses([Names, Coords], mapper) // error
// -------> ~~~~~  ~~~~~~ <---
// |                          |
// |  Type 'typeof Coords' is not assignable to type 'new () => Names'.
// Type 'typeof Names' is not assignable to type 'new () => Coords',


MapClasses([Names, Coords], mapper) // error
// -----------------------> ~~~~~~
// Type '[Names, Coords]' is not assignable to type '[Coords, Names]'.

为了实现这一点,我们需要更改 MapClasses 的签名,以便 generic type parameter is inferred from classes and not from mapper. This means we need classes to have a higher priority inference site for the type parameter than mapper does. The details of how the compiler chooses which values to infer types from are not really documented anywhere official; there is a section of the outdated TypeScript spec 在某个时候超越过去的状态。一个好的经验法则是编译器将以“最简单”的方式选择与类型参数相关的值。

所以我们需要重构调用签名,使 classes 的类型注释与类型参数的关系比 mapper 的类型注释更简单。这是一种方法:

const MapClasses = <C extends (new () => any)[], M>(
    classes: [...C],
    mapper: (instances: ElementInstanceType<C>) => M,
): M => {
    const instances = classes.map((item) => new item()) as
    return mapper(instances)

type ElementInstanceType<C> =
    { [K in keyof C]: C[K] extends new () => infer R ? R : never };

类型参数 C 是我们关心的参数,我有 constrained it to be an array of construct signatures. Conceptually classes is just of type C, although I have written [...C] using a variadic tuple type 给编译器一个提示,我们想将 classes 推断为一个元组和不是无序数组。

同时 mapper(instance: ElementInstanceType<C>) => M 类型,其中 ElementInstanceTypemapped type whose properties are conditional types。它将构造签名类型的元组转换为其对应实例类型的元组。比较 [...C](instance: ElementInstanceType<C>) => M,你会发现前者与 C 的关系比后者更简单。

这意味着当您调用 MapClasses 时,类型参数 C 将倾向于从 classes 中推断出来,而只是 checked mapper.


const mapped = MapClasses([Coords, Names], mapper) // okay
// const mapped: { x: number; y: number;  myName: string; }


MapClasses([Names, Coords], mapper) // error
// -----------------------> ~~~~~~
// Type '[Names, Coords]' is not assignable to type '[Coords, Names]'.


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