在 Python 中解析 OFX 日期时间

Parsing OFX datetime in Python

我正在尝试解析 Python 中 OFX 2.3 规范中指定的日期时间。我相信这是一种自定义格式,但如果它有名称,请随时告诉我。规范说明如下:

There is one format for representing dates, times, and time zones. The complete form is: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.XXX [gmt offset[:tz name]]

For example, “19961005132200.124[-5:EST]” represents October 5, 1996, at 1:22 and 124 milliseconds p.m., in Eastern Standard Time. This is the same as 6:22 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


from datetime import datetime

date_str = "19961005132200.124[EST]"
date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f[%Z]")

此部分示例到目前为止有效,但缺少 GMT 偏移量部分(-5 in [-5:EST])。我不确定如何指定最多两位数的时区偏移量。


  • Python 内置的 strptime 在这里会遇到困难 - %z 不会解析单个数字偏移小时,%Z 不会解析一些(可能)不明确的时区缩写。

然后,OFX 银行 2.3 版文档(第 节日期和日期时间)留给我一些问题:

  • UTC 偏移量是可选的吗?
  • 为什么 EST 只是一个缩写,却被称为时区?
  • 为什么在示例中 UTC 偏移量是 -5 小时,而在 1996 年 10 月 5 日,US/Eastern 是 UTC-4?
  • 指定分钟数的偏移量如何,例如+5:30 Asia/Calcutta ?
  • (自以为是)为什么首先要重新发明轮子而不是使用像 ISO 8601 这样的常用标准?


from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

def parseOFXdatetime(s, tzinfos=None, _tz=None):
    parse OFX datetime string to an aware Python datetime object.
    # first, treat formats that have no UTC offset specified.
    if not '[' in s:
        # just make sure default format is satisfied by filling with zeros if needed
        s = s.ljust(14, '0') + '.000' if not '.' in s else s
        return datetime.strptime(s, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

    # offset and tz are specified, so first get the date/time, offset and tzname components
    s, off = s.strip(']').split('[')
    off, name = off.split(':')
    s = s.ljust(14, '0') + '.000' if not '.' in s else s
    # if tzinfos are specified, map the tz name:
    if tzinfos:
        _tz = tzinfos.get(name) # this might still leave _tz as None...
    if not _tz: # ...so we derive a tz from a timedelta
        _tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=int(off)), name=name)
    return datetime.strptime(s, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f").replace(tzinfo=_tz)

# some test strings

t = ["19961005132200.124[-5:EST]", "19961005132200.124", "199610051322", "19961005",
     "199610051322[-5:EST]", "19961005[-5:EST]"]

for s in t:
    print(# normal parsing
          f'{s}\n {repr(parseOFXdatetime(s))}\n'
          # parsing with tzinfo mapping supplied; abbreviation -> timezone object
          f' {repr(parseOFXdatetime(s, tzinfos={"EST": ZoneInfo("US/Eastern")}))}\n\n')