FFTW 是否动态确定 SIMD 版本?

Does FFTW determine SIMD version dynamically?

例如,如果我编译支持 AVX2 的 FFTW 并在一台只有 SSE3 的机器上运行它,它会检查并使用 SSE3 指令,还是立即崩溃?


来自 https://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Installation-on-Unix.html


--enable-sse (single precision), ... and --enable-generic-simd256:

Enable various SIMD instruction sets. You need compiler that supports the given SIMD extensions, but FFTW will try to detect at runtime whether the CPU supports these extensions. That is, you can compile with--enable-avx and the code will still run on a CPU without AVX support.
