导入的 Scala 项目没有 运行 选项

Imported Scala Project has no run option

我正在参加在线课程,并被指示将一组练习作为项目导入 IDEA。在构建和重建项目后,我无法 运行 类。 有一个单独的入门课程向您展示如何完成所有这些并且它运行良好,所以我不确定哪里出了问题。

No option to run the class

The getting started project works fine

我比较了 build.project 文件,发现错误: Errors in the main project for the course

我收到一条关于我在 运行


sbt sbtVersion


PS M:\School\Scala Applied Part 1> cd .\exercises-applied\
PS M:\School\Scala Applied Part 1\exercises-applied> sbt sbtVersion
WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by sbt.TrapExit$ (file:/C:/Users/*/.sbt/boot/scala-2.12.4/org.scala-sbt/sbt/1.1.0/run
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of sbt.TrapExit$
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
[info] Loading project definition from M:\School\Scala Applied Part 1\exercises-applied\project
error: error while loading String, class file '/modules/java.base/java/lang/String.class' is broken
(class java.lang.NullPointerException/Cannot invoke "scala.tools.nsc.Global$Run.typerPhase()" because the return value of "scala.tools.nsc.Gl
obal.currentRun()" is null)



