使用 ResponseEntity 时的 Sonarlint 误报 NullPointer 警告(S2259)

Sonarlint false positive NullPointer warning (S2259) when using ResponseEntity


ResponseEntity<ResponseVO> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, entity, ResponseVO.class);
if (response.getBody() != null) {
    String url = response.getBody().getUrl();

我在重复使用 ResponseEntity 时收到错误的声纳警告:

A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "getBody()" can return null. sonarlint(java:S2259)


ResponseVO body = response.getBody();
if (body != null) {
    String url = body.getUrl();

我不需要添加 response != null,如果添加会有不同的(好的)警告:

Remove this expression which always evaluates to "true" [+3 locations]sonarlint(java:S2589)

是 SonarLint 错误吗?为什么它会警告 NullPointerException?

我怀疑它与 HttpEntity @Nullable 定义有关

public T getBody() {



在 Sonar 社区提出 false-positive 并由@DamienUrruty 回答

indeed it looks like a false-positive. That said it might make the rule more complex to support this case