Servicestack 测试:找不到方法:'Int32 ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.CustomFieldAttribute.get_Order()
Servicestack Test: Method not found: 'Int32 ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.CustomFieldAttribute.get_Order()
正在尝试通过连接到 ServiceStack 中的数据库来构建集成测试。
我的 ServiceStack 应用程序运行良好,但是当我 运行 简单测试时,我在 line:22
System.MissingMethodException: '找不到方法:'Int32 ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.CustomFieldAttribute.get_Order()'.'
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.OrmLite;
using ServiceStack.Data;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ServiceStack.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace oth.Tests.IntegrationTests
public class AppHost2 : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost2() : base("Customer REST Example", typeof(CustomerService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Container container)
var connectionString = "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=test_1234;Username=postgres;Password=local";
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c =>
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, PostgreSqlDialect.Provider));
using var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open();
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/customers", "GET")]
public class GetCustomers : IReturn<GetCustomersResponse> { }
public class GetCustomersResponse
public List<Customer> Results { get; set; }
public class CustomerService : Service
public object Get(GetCustomers request)
return new GetCustomersResponse { Results = Db.Select<Customer>() };
public class CustomerRestExample
const string BaseUri = "http://localhost:2000/";
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public CustomerRestExample()
//Start your AppHost on TestFixture SetUp
appHost = new AppHost2()
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
/* Write your Integration Tests against the self-host instance */
public void Run_Customer_REST_Example()
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
var all = client.Get(new GetCustomers());
Assert.That(all.Results.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
任何时候你在使用 MyGet pre-release packages 时看到 缺少类型 或 缺少方法 异常,这意味着你有一个脏安装(即使用来自不同构建时间的预发布包)。
在这种情况下,您需要 Clear your Nuget packages cache 并再次下载最新的软件包,以确保您的所有软件包都来自最新的同一版本:
$ dotnet nuget locals all -clear
正在尝试通过连接到 ServiceStack 中的数据库来构建集成测试。 我的 ServiceStack 应用程序运行良好,但是当我 运行 简单测试时,我在 line:22
中收到此错误消息System.MissingMethodException: '找不到方法:'Int32 ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.CustomFieldAttribute.get_Order()'.'
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.OrmLite;
using ServiceStack.Data;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ServiceStack.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace oth.Tests.IntegrationTests
public class AppHost2 : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost2() : base("Customer REST Example", typeof(CustomerService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Container container)
var connectionString = "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=test_1234;Username=postgres;Password=local";
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c =>
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, PostgreSqlDialect.Provider));
using var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open();
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/customers", "GET")]
public class GetCustomers : IReturn<GetCustomersResponse> { }
public class GetCustomersResponse
public List<Customer> Results { get; set; }
public class CustomerService : Service
public object Get(GetCustomers request)
return new GetCustomersResponse { Results = Db.Select<Customer>() };
public class CustomerRestExample
const string BaseUri = "http://localhost:2000/";
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public CustomerRestExample()
//Start your AppHost on TestFixture SetUp
appHost = new AppHost2()
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
/* Write your Integration Tests against the self-host instance */
public void Run_Customer_REST_Example()
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
var all = client.Get(new GetCustomers());
Assert.That(all.Results.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
任何时候你在使用 MyGet pre-release packages 时看到 缺少类型 或 缺少方法 异常,这意味着你有一个脏安装(即使用来自不同构建时间的预发布包)。
在这种情况下,您需要 Clear your Nuget packages cache 并再次下载最新的软件包,以确保您的所有软件包都来自最新的同一版本:
$ dotnet nuget locals all -clear