使用 regexp_like 的查询的打印结果

Printing result of a query with regexp_like

我有以单词 point 开头的记录和不以单词 point 开头的记录。


select count(*) from tbl
where regexp_like(name, '.*point.*')


names_with_point    names_without_point
  234                     120

您可以使用 count_if:

select count_if(regexp_like(name, '.*point.*')) as names_with_point
    , count_if(not regexp_like(name, '.*point.*')) as names_without_point
from dataset

不确定 count_if 是 ANSI SQL 函数。

select count(case when regexp_like(name, '.*point.*') THEN name end) as  names_with_point,
       count(case when not regexp_like(name, '.*point.*') THEN name end ) as names_without_point
          from dataset