VUE3 复合过滤器未按预期工作

VUE3 compounding filters not working as intended

所以我正在尝试使用多个过滤器选项来过滤结果。我尝试了很多不同的东西,它只应用了 2 个过滤器就可以按预期工作,但是如果我对搜索应用 3 个或更多过滤器,它将向搜索添加更多不符合所有条件的结果。


这是一张显示发生了什么的 gif。


我正在使用 VUE 3 和合成 API。

 const months = computed(() => {
  return documents.value.filter((plants) =>
const plantType = computed(() => {
  return documents.value.filter(
    (plants) => plants.plantType == plantT.value

const Zone = computed(() => {
  return documents.value.filter((plants) =>
const toxicPets = computed(() => {
  return documents.value.filter((plants) =>

const Combined = computed(() => {
  gettingThree = false;
  return documents.value.filter(
    (plants) =>
      plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
      plants.months.includes(month.value) &&
      plants.plantType == plantT.value &&

const Combined2 = computed(() => {
  gettingTwo = true;
  gettingThree = false;
  return documents.value.filter(
    (plants) =>
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.months.includes(month.value)) ||
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.plantType == plantT.value) ||
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value)) ||
      (plants.months.includes(month.value) &&
        plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value)) ||
      (plants.plantType == plantT.value &&
        plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value)) ||
      (plants.plantType == plantT.value &&

const Combined3 = computed(() => {
  gettingTwo = false;
  gettingThree = true;
  return documents.value.filter(
    (plants) =>
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.plantType == plantT.value &&
        plants.months.includes(month.value)) ||
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value) &&
        plants.plantType == plantT.value) ||
      (plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value) &&
        plants.months.includes(month.value) &&
        plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value)) ||
      (plants.plantType == plantT.value &&
        plants.months.includes(month.value) &&

const searchMatch = computed(() => {
  if (Combined.value.length > 0) {
    console.log("getting 4");
    return Combined.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=
  if (Combined3.value.length > 0 && gettingTwo == false) {
    console.log("getting 3");
    return Combined3.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=
  if (Combined2.value.length > 0 && gettingThree == false) {
    console.log("getting 2");
    return Combined2.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=

  if (
    month.value !== null &&
    getZone.value == null &&
    toxic.value == null &&
    plantT.value == null
  ) {
    return months.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=
  if (
    getZone.value !== null &&
    plantT.value == null &&
    month.value == null &&
    toxic.value == null
  ) {
    return Zone.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=
  if (
    plantT.value !== null &&
    month.value == null &&
    getZone.value == null &&
    toxic.value == null
  ) {
    return plantType.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=
  if (
    toxic.value !== null &&
    plantT.value == null &&
    month.value == null &&
    getZone.value == null
  ) {
    return toxicPets.value.filter(
      (plant) =>
        plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=

  return documents.value.filter((plant) => {
    return (
      plant.plantName.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) !=


我的解决方案现在比我在 OP 中使用的解决方案简单得多,并且给出了预期的结果。查看 gif 以了解它现在是如何工作的。

gif -


    //if a variable is null move on to the next filter or if the variable has a 
    //value then filter the results to include the value and move to the next  
    //filter. rinse and repeat for each filter.

    const Combined = computed(() => {
  return documents.value
    .filter((plants) => {
      return getZone.value == null || plants.Zone.includes(getZone.value); 
    .filter((plants) => {
      return month.value == null || plants.months.includes(month.value);
    .filter((plants) => {
      return (
        plantT.value == null || plants.plantType.includes(plantT.value)
    .filter((plants) => {
      return toxic.value == null || plants.toxicPets.includes(toxic.value);

//below takes the Combined filters property from above and runs it though another computed property to allow the user to type search in
//a input field. im running the search results through an array of multiple names per item since plants tend to have more than one name. so
//the user can search a varity of different names and still get a result that is correct. 

    const searchMatch = computed(() => {                               
      return Combined.value.filter((plant) => {
        let arr_lower =
          (item) => item.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.value.toLowerCase()) != -1
        ); //this function just returns true of false if the item matches the search results.
        return arr_lower.includes(true); //so here im just returning the arr_lower variable if it includes true.