
Find the minimum value of a group of columns based on the value of another column?

这适用于 SQL 服务器。有没有办法根据另一列的值来获取一组 select 列的最小值?在此示例中,我想找到每个 Name 拥有的最小交易并将其放在 'Minimum Transaction' 列中。我无法对 'Name' 的值进行硬编码。我已经尝试过子查询,但我无法理解逻辑是如何工作的。

SELECT ID, Name, Transactions, Minimum Transaction =
   SELECT MIN(Transactions) 
   FROM MyTable M
   JOIN MyTable M ON N.ID = M.ID
FROM MyTable N
WHERE Name = 'Sarah' OR 'Sue' OR 'Joe' OR 'Tim'


ID Name Transactions Minimum Transaction
1 Sarah
2 Sarah
3 Sue
4 Sue
5 Sue
6 Joe
7 Tim
8 Tim

使用MIN(Transactions) OVER(PARTITION BY Name)

SELECT ID, Name, Transactions, 
MIN(transactions) over (partition by Name) as "Minimum Transaction" from 
order by id;

PARTITION BY 相对于 GROUP BY 只影响 window 函数,不影响返回的行。
