
Duplicate key value on saving child entities

当我尝试保存 ManyToMany 关系的实体(角色)时,子实体的 ID 生成不正确,并且我收到 DataIntegrityViolationException。


public Organization create(Organization organization) {
        Organization created = save(organization);
        Role role = new Role();
        return save(created);

Hibernate 调试和异常:

Hibernate: insert into organization (company_code, full_legal_name, id) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role (code, description, read_only, reserved) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
2021-12-23 10:34:50.459  WARN 13464 --- [           main] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper   : SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23505
2021-12-23 10:34:50.459 ERROR 13464 --- [           main] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper   : ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "role_pkey"
  Detail: Key (id)=(15) already exists.


public class Organization {

    Long id;

    @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}, fetch= FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinTable(name = "organization_role",
            joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "organization_id"),
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "role_id"))
    Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>();


public class Role implements Serializable {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Integer id;

液基表: 角色:

    id          SERIAL                                    NOT NULL,
    code        VARCHAR(32)                               NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT role_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)


CREATE TABLE organization (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT organization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)


CREATE TABLE organization_role (
    role_id INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    organization_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_organization_role_role FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES role(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_organization_role_organization FOREIGN KEY (organization_id) REFERENCES organization(id),
    CONSTRAINT user_organization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (role_id, organization_id)

尝试先保存角色,然后将其添加到 Org,然后保存 Org:

Organization created = save(organization);
    Role role = new Role();
    save(role); // this assign a persistant primary key to the role
    return save(created);

这与 MTM 无关。这种情况只有当你的 PK 序列(串行)落后于某种方式时才有可能,现在它生成的密钥已经存在于 table 中。为什么会发生这种情况的几个想法:

  • 您重新创建了与连续剧相关的序列,所以它又从 1 开始了。但是直到 15 之前都没有 ID 的记录,所以前 14 次插入是成功的。
  • 您插入的记录带有明确指定的 ID,而不是使用 serial 功能。以下是重现问题的方法(第二次插入会导致问题):
drop table if exists org;
create table org (
    id serial,
    name text,
    constraint org_pk primary key (id)

insert into org(name) values('name1'); -- works fine
insert into org(id, name) values(2, 'name2'); -- we don't use the sequence
insert into org(name) values('name3');-- sequence generates 2 again and insert fails

您需要找出是谁搞砸了 sequence/who 插入具有指定 ID 的行。并更新那个地方:

  1. 要么根本不指定 ID - serial 将为您完成此操作
  2. 或者在插入语句中显式访问序列:
insert into org(id, name) values(nextval('org_id_seq'), 'name2');
  1. 或者 update the sequence 在插入行后使用 setval()。