Laravel livewire 表单不允许仅从评论中输入,需要两者或图像本身

Laravel livewire form won't allow only input from comments, requires both or image on its own

我正在尝试输入允许用户输入评论的帖子 and/or 图片,但是我的 livewire 组件似乎要求包含图片,因为如果没有上传图片,它似乎不会通过,如果上传了图片,那么表单将通过。

livewire 组件的外观如下,格式为:

class PostForm extends Component

 use WithFileUploads;
    public $image;
        public $comments;
        public $post;

public function submit(){

        'image' => ['mimes:jpeg,bmp,png','required_without:comments'], // Only allow .jpg, .bmp and .png file types.
        'comments' => 'required_without:image',


    $post = new Post();
    $post->comments = $this->comments;

    if (isset($this->image)==true) {

        $this->image->store('images', 'public');

        $post->image_path = $this->image->hashName();

    return redirect()->route('posts.index')
        ->with('success', 'post added');

public function render()
    return view('');

这是它在 livewire postform blade 视图中的样子:

{{-- If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. --}}

<form wire:submit.prevent="submit" enctype="multipart/form-data">


    <div class=" my-10">
        <label for="comments">Comments:</label>
        <textarea wire:model="comments"  id="comments" row="5" class=" p-2 bg-gray-200 @error('comments') is-invalid @enderror"></textarea>

        <div class="alert alert-danger">{{$message}}</div>
    <div class="form-group">
        <input wire:model="image" id="image" type="file"  >

    <button wire:click="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-blue">Create</button>

必须传递更多 nullable 验证标准,因为 $image 默认指定为 null。

    'image' => ['nullable','mimes:jpeg,bmp,png','required_without:comments'], // Only allow .jpg, .bmp and .png file types.
    'comments' => 'required_without:image',

