使用 `Cache-Control: no-cache` 时缓存如何验证响应?

How do caches validate the response when using `Cache-Control: no-cache`?



The no-cache request directive asks caches to validate the response with the origin server before reuse.

Cache-Control: no-cache

no-cache allows clients to request the most up-to-date response even if the cache has a fresh response.


如果不是,那么在使用 Cache-Control: no-cache 时缓存如何验证响应?

感谢, quoting from Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching:


When a cache has one or more stored responses for a requested URI, but cannot serve any of them (e.g., because they are not fresh, or one cannot be selected; see Section 4.1), it can use the conditional request mechanism [RFC7232] in the forwarded request to give the next inbound server an opportunity to select a valid stored response to use, updating the stored metadata in the process, or to replace the stored response(s) with a new response. This process is known as "validating" or "revalidating" the stored response.