I am having error : "Inbox" -- Invalid number of parameters for "undefined". Got 0 expected 1

I am having error : "Inbox" -- Invalid number of parameters for "undefined". Got 0 expected 1

我正在编写一个简单的智能合约,即 'inbox.sol'。我正在使用 truffle 框架来测试它并将其部署到使用 Infura API 的 rinkeby 网络。我有这个错误。请帮忙。我是初学者。

This is deployed contract in migration

This is my smart contract code

error i got


constructor(string memory initialMessage) public {
        message = initialMessage;


const Inbox = artifacts.require("Inbox");

module.exports = function (deployer) {
  // passing an argument 
  deployer.deploy(Inbox, "myInitialMessage");