具有共同的、时间对齐的共享轴的 mplfinance 堆叠图
mplfinance stacked plots with common, time-aligned shared axis
我正在绘制 5、15、30 和 60 分钟蜡烛的堆叠图。
- 所有价格右对齐的图表(
- 对于 5 分钟图上的 times/grid,整点每 60 分钟一次
- 所有其他图表使用与上述相同的图表,每 60 分钟,全部对齐
- 可选地,如果可能,删除左侧和右侧的 space(因此第一个柱形靠左边缘,最后一个柱形靠右边缘)
import mplfinance as mpf
import pandas as pd
from polygon import RESTClient
def main():
key = "key"
with RESTClient(key) as client:
start = "2019-02-01"
end = "2019-02-02"
ticker = "TVIX"
resp5 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 5, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp15 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 15, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp30 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 30, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp60 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 60, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
print(f'5 min data is {len(resp5.results)} long')
print(f'15 min data is {len(resp15.results)} long')
print(f'30 min data is {len(resp30.results)} long')
print(f'60 min data is {len(resp60.results)} long')
df5 = pd.DataFrame(resp5.results)
df5.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df5['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df15 = pd.DataFrame(resp15.results)
df15.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df15['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df30 = pd.DataFrame(resp30.results)
df30.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df30['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df60 = pd.DataFrame(resp60.results)
df60.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df60['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df60.index.name = df30.index.name = df15.index.name = df5.index.name = 'Timestamp'
# mpf expects a dataframe containing Open, High, Low, and Close data with a Pandas TimetimeIndex
df60.columns = df30.columns = df15.columns = df5.columns = ['Volume', 'Volume Weighted', 'Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Time', 'Num Items']
fig = mpf.figure(figsize=(32, 32))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 4)
ap = [
mpf.make_addplot(df15, type='candle', ax=ax2, y_on_right=True),
mpf.make_addplot(df30, type='candle', ax=ax3, y_on_right=True),
mpf.make_addplot(df60, type='candle', ax=ax4, y_on_right=True)
s = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpf_style='default',y_on_right=True)
mpf.plot(df5, style=s, ax=ax1, addplot=ap, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', type='candlestick')
if __name__ == '__main__':
我没有对应的API密钥,所以我用雅虎财经的股价代替。至于价格放在右边的问题,可以通过改变样式来实现。此外,似乎 y_on_right
仅对第一张图有效。来自 this information。要删除第一个和最后一个边距,请使用 tight_layout=True
,并将 x 轴与小时对齐,您需要检查 mpl 时间序列格式化程序可以走多远。
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import mplfinance as mpf
import numpy as np
import datetime
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
start = '2021-12-22'
end = '2021-12-23'
intervals = [5,15,30,60]
for i in intervals:
vars()[f'df{i}'] = yf.download("AAPL", start=start, end=end, period='1d', interval=str(i)+'m')
for df in [df5,df15,df30,df60]:
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(None)
df5 = df5[df5.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df15 = df15[df15.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df30 = df30[df30.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df60 = df60[df60.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
fig = mpf.figure(style='yahoo', figsize=(12,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,4)
mpf.plot(df5, type='candle', ax=ax1, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df15, type='candle', ax=ax2, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df30, type='candle', ax=ax3, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df60, type='candle', ax=ax4, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
ax3_ticks = ax3.get_xticks()
我正在绘制 5、15、30 和 60 分钟蜡烛的堆叠图。
- 所有价格右对齐的图表(
似乎没有使用) - 对于 5 分钟图上的 times/grid,整点每 60 分钟一次
- 所有其他图表使用与上述相同的图表,每 60 分钟,全部对齐
- 可选地,如果可能,删除左侧和右侧的 space(因此第一个柱形靠左边缘,最后一个柱形靠右边缘)
import mplfinance as mpf
import pandas as pd
from polygon import RESTClient
def main():
key = "key"
with RESTClient(key) as client:
start = "2019-02-01"
end = "2019-02-02"
ticker = "TVIX"
resp5 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 5, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp15 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 15, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp30 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 30, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
resp60 = client.stocks_equities_aggregates(ticker, 60, "minute", start, end, unadjusted=False)
print(f'5 min data is {len(resp5.results)} long')
print(f'15 min data is {len(resp15.results)} long')
print(f'30 min data is {len(resp30.results)} long')
print(f'60 min data is {len(resp60.results)} long')
df5 = pd.DataFrame(resp5.results)
df5.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df5['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df15 = pd.DataFrame(resp15.results)
df15.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df15['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df30 = pd.DataFrame(resp30.results)
df30.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df30['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df60 = pd.DataFrame(resp60.results)
df60.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( pd.to_datetime(df60['t']/1000, unit='s') )
df60.index.name = df30.index.name = df15.index.name = df5.index.name = 'Timestamp'
# mpf expects a dataframe containing Open, High, Low, and Close data with a Pandas TimetimeIndex
df60.columns = df30.columns = df15.columns = df5.columns = ['Volume', 'Volume Weighted', 'Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Time', 'Num Items']
fig = mpf.figure(figsize=(32, 32))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 4)
ap = [
mpf.make_addplot(df15, type='candle', ax=ax2, y_on_right=True),
mpf.make_addplot(df30, type='candle', ax=ax3, y_on_right=True),
mpf.make_addplot(df60, type='candle', ax=ax4, y_on_right=True)
s = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpf_style='default',y_on_right=True)
mpf.plot(df5, style=s, ax=ax1, addplot=ap, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', type='candlestick')
if __name__ == '__main__':
我没有对应的API密钥,所以我用雅虎财经的股价代替。至于价格放在右边的问题,可以通过改变样式来实现。此外,似乎 y_on_right
仅对第一张图有效。来自 this information。要删除第一个和最后一个边距,请使用 tight_layout=True
,并将 x 轴与小时对齐,您需要检查 mpl 时间序列格式化程序可以走多远。
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import mplfinance as mpf
import numpy as np
import datetime
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
start = '2021-12-22'
end = '2021-12-23'
intervals = [5,15,30,60]
for i in intervals:
vars()[f'df{i}'] = yf.download("AAPL", start=start, end=end, period='1d', interval=str(i)+'m')
for df in [df5,df15,df30,df60]:
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(None)
df5 = df5[df5.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df15 = df15[df15.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df30 = df30[df30.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
df60 = df60[df60.index.date == datetime.date(2021,12,21)]
fig = mpf.figure(style='yahoo', figsize=(12,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,4)
mpf.plot(df5, type='candle', ax=ax1, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df15, type='candle', ax=ax2, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df30, type='candle', ax=ax3, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
mpf.plot(df60, type='candle', ax=ax4, xrotation=0, datetime_format='%H:%M', tight_layout=True)
ax3_ticks = ax3.get_xticks()