如何检查字符串中对应的单词到 CSV 文件?
How to check for corresponding words in a string to a CSV file?
CSVParser parser = new CSVParserBuilder().withSeparator(';').build();
CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReaderBuilder(filereader).withCSVParser(parser).withSkipLines(1).build();
List<String[]> allData = csvReader.readAll();
String studentName = "Alice, Bob";
String[] words = studentName.split(",");
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for(String[]row:allData){ // goes through the csv file
for(String word:words){ // goes through String names
问题是 for-loop 只遍历 CSV 文件来检查“Alice”,而不检查“Bob”,因此 Bob 没有被添加到列表中,我该如何解决那?
行[3] = 名称
行[4] = 学校
@xerx593 发现了这个错误,这解决了它:
String[] words = studentName.split(", ");
@xerx593 发现了这个错误,这解决了它:
String[] words = studentName.split(", ");
CSVParser parser = new CSVParserBuilder().withSeparator(';').build();
CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReaderBuilder(filereader).withCSVParser(parser).withSkipLines(1).build();
List<String[]> allData = csvReader.readAll();
String studentName = "Alice, Bob";
String[] words = studentName.split(",");
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for(String[]row:allData){ // goes through the csv file
for(String word:words){ // goes through String names
问题是 for-loop 只遍历 CSV 文件来检查“Alice”,而不检查“Bob”,因此 Bob 没有被添加到列表中,我该如何解决那?
行[3] = 名称
行[4] = 学校
@xerx593 发现了这个错误,这解决了它:
String[] words = studentName.split(", ");
@xerx593 发现了这个错误,这解决了它:
String[] words = studentName.split(", ");