在 Python 中打印 int 和 float

Printing int and float in Python


def main():
    name = input("Input your name:")
    age = int(input("Input you age:"))

    print("Your name is " + name + " and you are " + str(age) + " years old.")
    print("Your name is", name, "and you are" , age, "years old.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

在我看来 print("text", var, "text") 更直接,因为不需要将我们的 int 显式转换为 str

print("text"+str(var)+"text") 格式是否有任何相关用例?

通常的做法是 formatting 比如:

print(f"Your name is {name} and you are {age} years old.")

Considering the example below, why would anyone choose the first print instead of the second?

