
Sorting (or partially sorting) a list of objects based on a specific attribute


我有一个对象列表。每个对象都有两个属性:"score""coordinates"。我需要根据 score 属性找到列表中最大的 N 个对象。我遇到的主要问题是仅使用 score 属性对对象进行排序。排序可以是部分的。我只对 N 个最大的对象感兴趣。


我目前的方法不是最优雅也不是最有效的。这个想法是创建对象 indices 及其 scoredictionary,然后对分数列表进行排序并使用 dictionary 来索引产生最大分数的对象。


  1. 创建 scores 的列表。列表的每个元素对应一个对象。 即第一个条目是第一个对象的分数,第二个条目是第二个对象的分数,依此类推。

  2. 使用对象的 scores 作为 key 和对象 index 作为 value 创建一个 dictionary

  3. 使用 heapq 排序得分列表以获得 N 最大的对象。

  4. 使用dictionary得到那些最大scores的对象。

  5. 创建一个新的 list,其中只有 N 个得分最高的对象。



import random
import heapq

# Gets the N objects with the largest score:
def getLargest(N, objects):
    # Set output objects:
    outobjects = objects

    # Get the total of objects in list:
    totalobjects = len(objects)

    # Check if the total number of objects is bigger than the N requested
    # largest objects:

    if totalobjects > N:

        # Get the "score" attributes from all the objects:
        objectScores = [o.score for o in objects]

        # Create a dictionary with the index of the objects and their score.
        # I'm using a dictionary to keep track of the largest scores and
        # the objects that produced them:
        objectIndices = range(totalobjects)
        objectDictionary = dict(zip(objectIndices, objectScores))

        # Get the N largest objects based on score:
        largestObjects = heapq.nlargest(N, objectScores)

        # Prepare the output list of objects:
        outobjects = [None] * N

        # Look for those objects that produced the
        # largest score:
        for k in range(N):
            # Get current largest object:
            currentLargest = largestObjects[k]
            # Get its original position on the keypoint list:
            position = objectScores.index(currentLargest)
            # Index the corresponding keypoint and store it
            # in the output list:
            outobjects[k] = objects[position]

    # Done:
    return outobjects

此代码段生成 100 个用于测试我的方法的随机对象。最后的循环打印 N = 3 个随机生成的对象,其中最大的 score:

# Create a list with random objects:
totalObjects = 100
randomObjects = []

# Test object class:
class Object(object):

# Generate a list of random objects
for i in range(totalObjects):
    # Instance of objects:
    tempObject = Object()
    # Set the object's random score
    tempObject.score = random.random()
    # Set the object's random coordinates:
    tempObject.coordinates = (random.randint(0, 5), random.randint(0, 5))
    # Store object into list:

# Get the 3 largest objects sorted by score:
totalLargestObjects = 3
largestObjects = getLargest(totalLargestObjects, randomObjects)

# Print the filtered objects:
for i in range(len(largestObjects)):
    # Get the current object in the list:
    currentObject = largestObjects[i]
    # Get its score:
    currentScore = currentObject.score
    # Get its coordinates as a tuple (x,y)
    currentCoordinates = currentObject.coordinates
    # Print the info:
    print("object: " + str(i) + " score: " + str(currentScore) + " x: " + str(
        currentCoordinates[0]) + " y: " + str(currentCoordinates[1]))

我目前的方法可以完成工作,但必须有更 pythonic(更矢量化)的方法来实现同样的事情。我的背景主要是 C++,我还在学习 Python。欢迎任何反馈。


最初,我在寻找类似于 C++ std:: nth_element. It appears this functionality is somewhat provided in Python by NumPy's partition 的东西。不幸的是,虽然 std::nth_element 支持自定义排序的谓词,但 NumPy 的 partition 不支持。我最终使用了 heapq,它可以很好地完成工作并按所需顺序排序,但我不知道基于一个属性进行排序的最佳方式。

元组正是您所需要的。不是将分数存储在堆中,而是将 (score, object) 的元组存储在堆中。它将尝试通过分数和 return 元组列表进行比较,您可以使用它来检索原始对象。这将为您节省按分数检索对象的额外步骤:

heapq.nlargest(3, ((obj.score, obj) for obj in randomObjects))
# [(0.9996643881256989, <__main__.Object object at 0x155f730>), (0.9991398955041872, <__main__.Object object at 0x119e928>), (0.9858047551444177, <__main__.Object object at 0x15e38c0>)]


或者正如@shriakhilc 评论的那样,在 heapq.nlargest 中使用 key 参数来指定您要按分数进行比较:

heapq.nlargest(3, randomObjects, lambda o: o.score)

我建议你使用 sorted python 本地方法 + lambda 函数。看这里:https://docs.python.org/3/howto/sorting.html#sortinghowto


myList = [
  {score: 32, coordinates: [...]},
  {score: 12, coordinates: [...]},
  {score: 20, coordinates: [...]},
  {score: 8, coordinates: [...]},
  {score: 40, coordinates: [...]},

# Sort by score DESCENDING
mySortedList = sorted(myList, key=lambda element: element['score'], reverse=True)

# Retrieve top 3 results
myTopResults = mySortedList[0:3]