PHP 8 return 静态和参数类型

PHP 8 return static and parameter type

Foo 是一个具有特定方法的基础 class。大多数这些方法使用相同的类型(例如:Foo::setNext(self $foo))。

我想创建扩展 Foo 的 classes,并且只允许使用与它们自身完全相同的类型(Extend1Foo 类型的对象不能与 Extend2Foo 类型的对象一起使用)。

在下面的代码中,由于 return 类型为静态,getBar() 会引发错误。这是我想要的。
但是,setBar() 允许接收 Foo 的任何实例作为参数,因为 self 参数类型。


class Foo 
    private ?self $bar = null;
    public function getBar(): static {
        return $this->bar;
    public function setBar(self $object): void {
        $this->bar = $object;

class Foo1 extends Foo { /* specific methods */ }
class Foo2 extends Foo { /* specific methods */ }

$foo1 = new Foo1;
$foo1->setBar(new Foo2); // <<< No TypeError, but I want it.
$foo2 = $foo1->getBar(); // <<< Got error, I'm OK.

我已经强制了 TypeError :

    public function setBar(self $object): void
        if (get_class($object) != static::class) {
            throw new TypeError(
                sprintf('%s::%s(): Parameter value must be of type %s, %s given',
                    __class__, __function__,
                    static::class, get_class($object)
        $this->child = $object;


    $foo1 = new Foo1;
    $foo1->setBar(new Foo2); // TypeError : Foo::setBar(): Parameter value must be of type Foo1, Foo2 given



有没有办法避免对类型进行这种动态测试?我认为 static 不能在参数中使用,而不是 self,例如 public function setBar(static $object).

您的用例在 PHP RFC which added the static type annotation in return position 中被明确考虑并拒绝,因为允许它会破坏继承点:

The static type is only allowed inside return types, where it may also appear as part of a complex type expression, such as ?static or static|array.

To understand why static cannot be used as a parameter type (apart from the fact that this just makes little sense from a practical perspective), consider the following example:

class A {
    public function test(static $a) {}
class B extends A {}
function call_with_new_a(A $a) {
    $a->test(new A);

call_with_new_a(new B);

Under the Liskov substitution principle (LSP), we should be able to substitute class B anywhere class A is expected. However, in this example passing B instead of A will throw a TypeError, because B::test() does not accept a A as a parameter.

More generally, static is only sound in covariant contexts, which at present are only return types.


trait Bar {
    private ?self $bar = null;
    public function getBar(): static {
        return $this->bar;
    public function setBar(self $object) {
        $this->bar = $object;

class Foo {}

final class Foo1 extends Foo { use Bar; }
final class Foo2 extends Foo { use Bar; }

try {
    $foo1 = new Foo1;
    $foo1->setBar(new Foo2); // TypeError
catch (Throwable $error) 
    echo $error->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

这样做,public 方法将不会成为 Foo class 接口的一部分,但这可能是最好的,因为上面没有办法为其赋予有意义的类型签名。