JsonCpp:序列化 JSON 导致字节串中的数据丢失

JsonCpp: Serializing JSON causes loss of data in byte string

我有一个简单的用例,我希望序列化和传输 0 到 256 之间的整数向量。我推测最 space 最有效的方法是将向量序列化为序列化字符串,其中第 n 个字符的 ASCII 码相当于相应向量的第 n 个元素。为此,我写了以下两个函数:

std::string SerializeToBytes(const std::vector<int> &frag)
    std::vector<unsigned char> res;
    for(int val : frag) {
        res.push_back((char) val);
    return std::string(res.begin(), res.end());

std::vector<int> ParseFromBytes(const std::string &serialized_frag)
    std::vector<int> res;
    for(unsigned char c : serialized_frag) {
    return res;

但是,当使用 JsonCpp 发送此数据时,我 运行 遇到了问题。下面的最小可重现示例表明问题并非源于上述方法,而是仅在 Json::Value 被序列化并随后被解析时才会出现。这会导致序列化字符串中的一些编码数据丢失。

#include <cassert>
#include <json/json.h>

int main() {
    std::vector frag = { 230 };
    std::string serialized = SerializeToBytes(frag);

    // Will pass, indicating that the SerializeToBytes and ParseFromBytes functions are not the issue.
    assert(frag == ParseFromBytes(serialized));

    Json::Value val;
    val["STR"] = serialized;

    // Will pass, showing that the issue does not appear until JSON is serialized and then parsed.
    assert(frag == ParseFromBytes(val["STR"].asString()));

    Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
    builder["indentation"] = "";
    std::string serialized_json = Json::writeString(builder, val);

    // Will be serialized to "{\"STR\":\"\ufffd\"}".
    Json::Value reconstructed_json;
    Json::Reader reader;
    reader.parse(serialized_json, reconstructed_json);

    // Will produce { 239, 191, 189 }, rather than { 230 }, as it should.
    std::vector<int> frag_from_json = ParseFromBytes(reconstructed_json["STR"].asString());

    // Will fail, showing that the issue stems from the serialize/parsing process.
    assert(frag == frag_from_json);

    return 0;


JsoncppClass Value

This class is a discriminated union wrapper that can represents a:

  • ...
  • UTF-8 string
  • ...

{ 230 } 是无效的 UTF-8 字符串。因此,Json::writeString(builder, val) 对正确结果的进一步期望是非法的。