Python 脚本中未达到 elif 语句

elif statement unreached in Python script

在下面的代码中,达到了 if 语句并且 运行 没问题。然而,elif 声明似乎没有任何效果。当脚本为 运行 时,当满足 elif 语句的条件时,什么也没有发生,当我按 return 按钮两次时,脚本只是继续跳过 elif 语句一共


            print("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")
            if input() == "1":
                print("Please enter this window's title:")
                current_window_title = input()
                print("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)")
                if input().lower() == "yes":
                    print("Please enter this window's description:")
                    current_window_description = input()
                    current_window_description = "None"
            elif input() == "2":
                print("Please enter this window's description:")
                current_window_description = input()
                print("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.")
                if input().lower() == "yes":
                    print("Please enter this window's title:")
                    current_window_title = input()

您必须在 if 之前使用输入变量 elif else 块。

answer=input("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2:")
            if answer == "1":
               Code section 1
           elif answer=="2":
               Code section 2
           else : 
              print ("wrong command")

如果你想达到 2,你的代码会要求输入两次。第一次,它会要求输入,它在 if 语句中,你会输入 2,但它不匹配。第二次它会要求输入,你在 elif 语句中,它会起作用。


print("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")
result = input()
if result == "1":
    print("Please enter this window's title:")
    current_window_title = input()
    print("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's description:")
        current_window_description = input()
        current_window_description = "None"
elif result == "2":
    print("Please enter this window's description:")
    current_window_description = input()
    print("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's title:")
        current_window_title = input()

您需要将用户输入的初始 input() 移到 ifelif 语句之外,以便它们与相同的值进行比较。目前 elif 永远不会捕获输入“2”,除非您输入第二个输入(再次输入“2”)。尝试这样的事情。

print("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")
user_input = input()
if user_input == "1":
    print("Please enter this window's title:")
    current_window_title = input()
    print("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's description:")
        current_window_description = input()
        current_window_description = "None"
elif user_input == "2":
    print("Please enter this window's description:")
    current_window_description = input()
    print("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's title:")
        current_window_title = input()

因为你从用户那里得到了一个输入并且在相同的范围内,如果这个输入量在 elif 中不可用,你可以做这两件事并且它会正常工作:

print("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")
inp = input()
if inp == "1":
    print("Please enter this window's title:")
    current_window_title = input()
    print("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's description:")
        current_window_description = input()
        current_window_description = "None"
elif inp == "2":
    print("Please enter this window's description:")
    current_window_description = input()
    print("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's title:")
        current_window_title = input()


print("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")
if input() == "1":
    print("Please enter this window's title:")
    current_window_title = input()
    print("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's description:")
        current_window_description = input()
        current_window_description = "None"
if input() == "2":
    print("Please enter this window's description:")
    current_window_description = input()
    print("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.")
    if input().lower() == "yes":
        print("Please enter this window's title:")
        current_window_title = input()

代码中有太多不需要的 input() 语句,导致它突然工作。

Also, as python's input() function also has the capability of printing, you can combine print() and input() into one statement.

Input = input("If you want to name this window press 1, if you want to describe it press 2")

if Input == "1":
    current_window_title = input("Please enter this window's title:")

    if input("Do you also want to describe this window? P.S: You can do this later.)").lower() == "yes":
        current_window_description = input("Please enter this window's description:")
        current_window_description = "None"

elif Input == "2":
    current_window_description = input("Please enter this window's description:")
    if input("Do you also want to give this window a title? P.S: You can do this later.").lower() == "yes":
        current_window_title = input("Please enter this window's title:")