Chrome 浏览器扩展中的框架是什么?

What is a frame in Chrome browser extensions?

在扩展 API 中,manifest.json 有一个名为 all_frames


Optional. Defaults to false, meaning that only the top frame is matched.

If specified true, it will inject into all frames, even if the frame is not the topmost frame in the tab. Each frame is checked independently for URL requirements, it will not inject into child frames if the URL requirements are not met.

我熟悉每秒帧数的帧数,但这似乎不适用于此处。 “只有顶部框架匹配”是什么意思? “frame”和tab一样吗?

框架存在于选项卡中,框架 ID 在选项卡中是唯一的。

documentation 开始:

Frames within a tab can be identified by a frame ID. The frame ID of the main frame is always 0, the ID of child frames is a positive number. Once a document is constructed in a frame, its frame ID remains constant during the lifetime of the document.

  details: object,
  callback?: function,
