在 wxdraw2d 或 wxplot2d wxmaxima 中反转 abscissa/ordinate 轴

Reverse abscissa/ordinate axis in wxdraw2d or wxplot2d wxmaxima

默认情况下,draw/plot 函数按升序(从下到上)绘制 y 轴值。换句话说,-ve 值位于图的底部,+ve 值位于原点上方(朝向图的顶部)。我们可以反转(见附图)单个轴或两者的这种行为吗?

在gnuplot中是可以的,通过set xrange reverseset yrange reverse,但是wxmaxima没有为gnuplot提供完整的接口,但是,似乎可以直接访问。来自文档:

2.3.5 Opening gnuplot’s command console in plot windows On MS Windows, if in Maxima’s variable gnuplot_command “gnuplot” is replaced by “wgnuplot”, gnuplot offers the possibility to open a console window, where gnuplot commands can be entered into. Unfortunately, enabling this feature causes gnuplot to “steal” the keyboard focus for a short time every time a plot is prepared.

另请注意,gnuplot 4 和 5 存在差异:

The reverse keyword of the set [axis]range command aects only autoscaling. It does not invert or otherwise alter the meaning of a command such as set xrange [0:1]. If you want to reverse the direction of the x axis in such a case, say instead set xrange [1:0].