ThymeLeaf SpringInputGeneralFieldTagProcessor' 两个 th:fileds 冲突

ThymeLeaf SpringInputGeneralFieldTagProcessor' two th:fileds confilicting

当我使用创建操作时,更新操作会遇到问题 th:value=*{name} 如何设置 th:field 值不相互冲突。


There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). Error during execution of processor 'org.thymeleaf.spring5.processor.SpringInputGeneralFieldTagProcessor' (template: "designations" - line 243, col 18)


   <div class="modal-body">
    <form th:action="@{/designations/create}" th:object="${newDesignation}" th:method="post">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Designation Name <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
            <input th:field="*{name}" class="form-control" type="text">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Department <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
            <select th:field="*{departmentName}" class="select">
                <option th:each="i : ${departmentsList}" th:value="${}" ></option>
        <div class="submit-section">
            <button class="btn btn-primary submit-btn">Submit</button>

    <div class="modal-body">
    <form th:action="@{/designations/update/{id}(id=${})}" th:object="${designationToUpdate}" th:method="post">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Designation Name <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
            <input th:field="*{name}" class="form-control"  type="text">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Department <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
            <select th:field="*{departmentName}" class="select">
                <option th:each="i : ${departmentsList}" th:value="${}" th:text="${}"></option>
        <div class="submit-section">
            <button class="btn btn-primary submit-btn">Save</button>

有了 simple spring-boot-starter(web,thymeleaf,lombok),这个简单的应用程序:

public class ThymeleafTestApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

  public String test() {
    return "test";

  public MyDto newDesignation() {
    return new MyDto("foo");

  public MyDto designationToUpdate() {
    return new MyDto("bar");


class MyDto {
  String name;

和简化的 html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:th="" lang="en">
    <title>Test same input name</title>
    <h2>Test same input name</h2>
    <form th:action="@{/foo}" th:object="${newDesignation}" th:method="post">
        <label>Designation Name <span>*</span></label>
        <!-- recommended to use an alternative/identifiyng th:id here:-->
        <input th:field="*{name}" type="text" />
    <form th:action="@{/bar}" th:object="${designationToUpdate}" th:method="post">
        <label>Designation Name <span>*</span></label>
        <!-- ... and here: -->
        <input th:field="*{name}" type="text" />

Thymeleaf 没有问题:

所以(对我来说)事实证明,thymeleaf 使“无冲突”渲染 两个 <input/> 具有相同名称的不同甚至相同的字段(->列表属性)<form/>.

另一方面id不nice/html符合! (...不是针对 thymeleaf,而是针对客户端使用。)请解决它,例如喜欢:

  <input th:id="newName" ...
  <!-- ... and -->
  <input th:id="updateName" ...

使用 devtools,请确保:



...请按照堆栈跟踪进行到底! (我发现它们与其他模板框架完全相反:)。


class MyDto {
  String namy; //!

-> 重建,重新加载 ->

2021-12-30 02:32:53.104 ERROR 20564 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine:
  [THYMELEAF][http-nio-8080-exec-1] Exception processing template "test":
    An error happened during template parsing (template: "class path resource [templates/test.html]")
#... like 1000 lines of stacktrace, referring to (first occurence of) *{name}, but then:
Caused by: 
    Invalid property 'name' of bean class [com.example.thymeleaf.test.MyDto]:
      Bean property 'name' is not readable or has an invalid getter method:
        Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?
#... few (hundred) more