使用 Mixpanel 测量移动应用下载

Measure mobile app downloads using Mixpanel

我想使用 Mixpanel 测量我的应用程序的下载次数,以便将此测量结果用作 Mixpanel 仪表板中的事件。

该应用程序可在 Android 和 iOS 中使用。 作为 Mixpanel 衡量和创建漏斗的工具,应该有一种方法可以从 Google Play Store 和 App Store 获取有关下载的信息,但我已经阅读了文档,但没有发现任何有用的信息。

如何查看 Mixpanel 中的应用下载?

https://mixpanel.com/blog/2015/01/06/community-tip-tracking-first-time-users 中详细介绍了跟踪用户首次访问您的网站或应用的说明。在此您将找到记录用户首次与您的网站或应用交互的策略——您可以应用这些相同的概念来跟踪应用安装。

如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系支持人员@mixpanel.com——Mixpanel 全天查看此电子邮件,并可以根据需要直接回复您并提供更多信息!


Tracking mobile app downloads can be crucial for giving you a starting point for measuring how users interact with your application - we can certainly help with that!

There's two ways to approach this:

The first way is through the first app open event. What we'll want to do is trigger an event called App Install on the very first application open. This is a proxy event for an install - it doesn't technically fire when the user downloads the application, but rather, when the user opens the app for the first time. A lot of our customers opt for this method for a couple of reasons, first, it's more seamless from a technical perspective to set up, and second, knowing the gap between users who install an application but never open it is non-actionable knowledge. Say you had 100 users install the application, but only 80 of them ever opened the app. There's nothing one can do to change it so that next time those 20 open the app. Thus, our customers opt for the App Install event on the first app open and don't spend data points unnecessarily.

The second option is to grab download data from the Google Play Store directly (https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/139628?hl=en). If Google allows you to export that data, you could reformat it into a Mixpanel event and utilize our import endpoint to send it to us: https://mixpanel.com/docs/api-documentation/importing-events-older-than-31-days. I think this format is harder, less realtime, and less actionable, so I wouldn't recommend it - but in case you wanted the hard download numbers from Google Play Store, Mixpanel can accept it.