
Design pattern for filtering by attributes

我是一名科学家,正在努力学习更好的软件工程实践,以便我的分析脚本更健壮并且更容易被其他人使用。我无法找到以下问题的最佳模式。是否有一个 OOP 框架可以通过实例属性轻松子集化?例如:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Form': {0:'SUV', 1:'Truck', 2:'SUV', 3:'Sedan', 4:'SUV', 5:'Truck'},
                   'Make': {0:'Ford', 1:'Toyota', 2:'Honda', 3:'Ford', 4:'Honda', 5:'Toyota'},
                   'Color': {0:'White', 1:'Black', 2:'Gray', 3:'White', 4:'White', 5:'Black'},
                   'Driver age': {0:25, 1:37, 2:21, 3:54, 4:50, 5:67},
                   'Trajectory': {0: np.array([[0, 0], [0.25, 1.7], [1.2, 1.8], [4.5, 4.0]]), 
                                  1: np.array([[0, 0], [0.15, 1.3], [1.6, 1.3], [4.2, 4.1]]), 
                                  2: np.array([[0, 0], [0.24, 1.2], [1.3, 1.6], [4.1, 3.9]]), 
                                  3: np.array([[0, 0], [0.45, 1.6], [1.8, 1.8], [4.2, 4.6]]), 
                                  4: np.array([[0, 0], [0.85, 1.9], [1.5, 1.7], [4.5, 4.3]]), 
                                  5: np.array([[0, 0], [0.35, 1.8], [1.5, 1.8], [4.6, 4.1]]), 
def avg_velocity(trajectory):
    v = []
    for t in range(len(trajectory) - 1):
        v.append(trajectory[t+1] - trajectory[t])
    return np.mean(v)


  1. 我使用 Pandas Dataframe 来存储 table。
  2. 我根据不同的标准(即 df.groupby(by=['Form'])
  3. 迭代这个数据帧列表,我将每个轨迹传递给一个函数avg_velocity(trajectory)
  4. 我将结果存储在嵌套字典中 即。 results[vehicle_make][vehicle_form][vehicle_color][driver_age].
  5. 为了检索信息,我按键访问了嵌套字典。

一种自然的 OOP 方法可能是创建具有许多属性(即 Drive.make, Drive.form, Drive.age, ... 等)的 class Drive

class Drive:
    def __init__(self, form, make, color, age, trajectory):
        self.form = form
        self.make = make
        self.color = color
        self.age = age
        self.trajectory = trajectory

但是,当每个驱动器被分成不同的实例时,我不确定如何根据特定标准快速子集化。假设我突然想通过 Toyotas 绘制所有驱动器的平均速度。我必须遍历 Drive 个实例的列表,检查是否 Drive.make == 'Toyota'。这是 OOP 的常见问题吗?

我建议坚持使用 Pandas,而不是您当前的解决方案或其 OOP 替代方案,如下所示:

# First, compute velocity

df["Average_velocity"] = df["Trajectory"].apply(avg_velocity)
df = df.drop(columns="Trajectory")

# Secondly, define a helper function to filter the dataframe as needed

def filter_by_attributes(df, form=None, make=None, color=None, age=None):
    pairs = {"Form": form, "Make": make, "Color": color, "Driver age": age}
    criterias = [
        (df[col] == value) if value else ~df[col].isin([])
        for col, value in pairs.items()
    return df[criterias[0] & criterias[1] & criterias[2] & criterias[3]]


print(filter_by_attributes(df, form="SUV", make=None, color="White", age=None))
# Output
  Form   Make  Color  Driver age  Average_velocity
0  SUV   Ford  White          25          1.416667
4  SUV  Honda  White          50          1.466667


Is it possible to store objects (ie. a user defined class) within a dataframe? This would be congruent with the above: columns of the dataframe are retained as metadata, and another column is devoted to storing individual instances"


car = Drive(
    "SUV", "Ford", "White", 25, np.array([[0, 0], [0.25, 1.7], [1.2, 1.8], [4.5, 4.0]])
df = pd.DataFrame({key: [value] for key, value in car.__dict__.items()})

df["average_velocity"] = df["trajectory"].apply(avg_velocity)
df = df.drop(columns="trajectory")

df.loc[0, "instance"] = car


# Output
form    make    color   age average_velocity    instance
0   SUV Ford    White   25  1.416667     <__main__.Drive object at 0x00000236EE1F80B8>

print(df.loc[0, "instance"].form)
# Output