如何在 C# 中使用基于运行时动态类型的泛型调度替换枚举上的 switch 语句?

How do I replace a switch statement over an enum with runtime-dynamic type-based generic dispatch in C#?


我正在为 Unity 构建一个编辑器扩展(虽然这个问题严格来说与统一无关)。用户可以 select 从下拉列表中进行二元运算,并在输入上执行该运算,如图所示:

代码取自教程,并使用枚举 here in combination with a switch statement here 实现所需的行为。

下一张图片演示了图中代码与行为之间的关系 UI:


根据我以前使用其他语言编程的经验,以及我希望允许用户进行不需要用户在核心代码中编辑 switch 语句的可扩展操作,我希望生成的代码看起来像像这样(无效的)C# 代码:

... snip ...

        // OperatorSelection.GetSelections() is automagically populated by inheritors of the GenericOperation class
        // So it would represent a collection of types?
        // so the confusion is primarily around what type this should be
        public GenericOperations /* ?? */ MathOperations = GenericOperation.GetOperations();

        // this gets assigned by the editor when the user clicks 
        // the dropdown, but I'm unclear on what the type should
        // be since it can be one of several types
        // from the MathOperations collection
        public Operation /* ?? */ operation;
        public override object GetValue(NodePort port)
            float a = GetInputValue<float>("a", this.a);
            float b = GetInputValue<float>("b", this.b);
            result = 0f;
            result = operation(a, b);
            return result;

... snip ...

参考行为 为了 crystal 清楚我希望实现的行为类型,这里是 Python.

class GenericOperation:

    def get_operations(cls):
        return cls.__subclasses__()

class AddOperation(GenericOperation):

    def __call__(self, a, b):
        return a + b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    op = AddOperation()
    res = op(1, 2)
    print(res)  # 3
    print(GenericOperation.get_operations())  # {<class '__main__.AddOperation'>}

具体问题 所以最终这归结为三个相互关联的问题:

  1. 我应该给 MathOperations 分配什么样的类型,以便它可以保存 GenericOperation 的子类型的集合?

  2. 如何获取 GenericOperation 的子类型?

  3. 我分配什么类型 operation,可以是几种类型之一?


我一直在从以下一些来源研究泛型和反射,但到目前为止 none 似乎提供了我正在寻找的信息。

  1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/types/generics
  2. https://igoro.com/archive/fun-with-c-generics-down-casting-to-a-generic-type/
  3. Using enum as generic type parameter in C#
  4. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/generics/generics-and-reflection

编辑:我编辑了 C# 伪代码中的注释,以反映主要的混淆归结为 MathOperations 和 [=15= 的类型应该是什么],并注意当用户单击下拉菜单时,编辑器本身 select 是 MathOperations 中的 operation。我也改了问题,让他们如实回答。



因为我只是在 phone 并且不知道我现在不能给你一个完整的解决方案,但我希望我能把你带入正确的轨道。

1。公共接口或基础 class


public interface ITwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b);

一个普通的abstract基地class当然也可以。 (你甚至可以在方法上使用某个属性)


public class Add : ITwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) => a + b;

public class Multiply : ITwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) => a * b;

public class Power : ITwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) Mathf.Pow(a, b);

... etc

2。使用 Reflection


然后您可以使用 Reflection (you already were on the right track there) in order to automatically find all available implementations of that interface like e.g. this

using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;


var type = typeof(ITwoFloatOperation);
var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
    .SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
    .Where(p => type.IsAssignableFrom(p));

3。 Store/Serialize Unity 中的选定类型


但是,为了在 Unity 中真正使用它们,您将需要一个额外的特殊 class,即 [Serializable] 并且可以存储类型,例如喜欢

// See https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ISerializationCallbackReceiver.html
public class SerializableType : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
    private Type type;
    [SerializeField] private string typeName;

    public Type Type => type;

    public void OnBeforeSerialize()
        typeName = type != null ? type.AssemblyQualifiedName : "";

    public void OnAfterDeserialize()
        if(!string.NullOrWhiteSpace(typeName)) type = Type.GetType(typeName);




public ImplementsAttribute : PropertyAttribute
    public Type baseType;

    public ImplementsAttribute (Type type)
        baseType = type;


[Implements(typeof (ITwoFloatOperation))]
public SerializableType operationType;

然后有一个自定义抽屉。这当然取决于您的需求。老实说,我的编辑器脚本知识更多地基于 MonoBehaviour 等,所以我只希望你能以某种方式将其转化为你的图表。


public class ImplementsDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    // Return the underlying type of s serialized property
    private static Type GetType(SerializedProperty property)
        // A little bit hacky we first get the type of the object that has this field
        var parentType = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType();
        // And then once again we use reflection to get the field via it's name again
        var fi = parentType.GetField(property.propertyPath);
        return fi.FieldType;

    private static Type[] FindTypes (Type baseType)
        var type = typeof(ITwoFloatOperation);
        var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
            .SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
            .Where(p => type.IsAssignableFrom(p));

        return types.OrderBy(t => t.AssemblyQualifiedName).ToArray();

    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

        var implements = attribute as ImplementsAttribute;

        if (GetType(property) != typeof (SerializableType))
            EditorGUI.HelpBox(position, MessageType.Error, "Implements only works for SerializableType!");

        var typeNameProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("typeName");

        var options = FindTypes (implements.baseType);

        var guiOptions = options.Select(o => o.AssemblyQualifiedName).ToArray();

        var currentType = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeNameProperty.stringValue) ? null : Type.GetType(typeNameProperty.stringValue);

        var currentIndex = options.FindIndex(o => o == curtentType);

        var newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(position, label.text, currentIndex, guiOptions);

        var newTypeName = newIndex >= 0 ? options[newIndex] : "";
        property.stringValue = newTypeName;   


一旦您以某种方式可以存储并获取所需的类型作为最后一步,我们就想使用它 ^^

同样,解决方案是反射,Activator which allows us to create an instance of any given dynamic type using Activator.CreateInstance


var instance = (ITwoFloatOperation) Activator.CreateInstance(operationType.Type));
var result = instance.GetResult(floatA, floatB);

一旦所有这些都设置好并正常工作 (^^),您的“用户”/开发人员可以添加新的操作,就像实现您的界面一样简单。

替代方法 - “脚本化行为”




public abstract class TwoFloatOperation : ScriptableObject
    public abstract float GetResult(float a, float b);


[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "Add", menuName = "TwoFloatOperations/Add")]
public class Add : TwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) => a + b;

[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "Multiply", menuName = "TwoFloatOperations/Multiply")]
public class Multiply : TwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) => a * b;

[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "Power", menuName = "TwoFloatOperations/Power"]
public class Power : TwoFloatOperation
    public float GetResult(float a, float b) Mathf.Pow(a, b);

然后你为每个对象创建一个实例 ProjectView -> 右击 -> Create -> TwoFloatOperations


public TwoFloatOperation operation;

并让 Unity 完成所有反射工作以查找在资产中实现此功能的实例。

您只需单击对象字段旁边的小点,Unity 就会为您列出所有可用选项,您甚至可以使用搜索栏按名称查找。


  • 不需要肮脏、昂贵且容易出错的反射
  • 基本上都是基于编辑器的内置功能 -> 不用担心序列化等问题


  • 这与 ScriptableObject 背后的实际概念略有不同,因为通常会有多个具有不同设置的实例,而不仅仅是一个
  • 如您所见,您的开发人员不仅必须继承某种类型,还必须另外添加 CreateAssetMenu 属性并实际创建一个实例才能使用它。

正如在 phone 上输入的那样,但我希望这对您的用例有所帮助,并让您了解我将如何处理此问题