我们是否需要在 Swift 中在 Main Queue 中执行 alpha 更改操作?
Do we need to perform the alpha change operation inside Main Queue in Swift?
当谈到 alpha 时,“所有 UI 操作都应该在主队列中执行”这句话变得有点混乱。我怀疑我们是否真的需要在主队列中执行简单的 alpha 更改操作?
self.presentingViewController?.view.alpha = 0.6 // such operations
do we really need to perform a simple alpha change operation inside the main Queue?
当谈到 alpha 时,“所有 UI 操作都应该在主队列中执行”这句话变得有点混乱。我怀疑我们是否真的需要在主队列中执行简单的 alpha 更改操作?
self.presentingViewController?.view.alpha = 0.6 // such operations
do we really need to perform a simple alpha change operation inside the main Queue?